Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,
I'm writing to you on Sunday evening. It rained hard Saturday night. A cold front is coming. Lake Junebug is pretty full. I wonder if Princess and Penelope will end up ice skating. We have a winter storm watch Tuesday evening though Wednesday afternoon. We might get some snow and sleet. I know how to drive on snow and ice. The natives do not. I will not leave my house.
Fritz visited the girls Saturday afternoon. They were thrilled. He stayed with them while Rebekah and I went out gallivanting around. I needed to go to UPS to send a package (the reason for sending the package might be a good story for another day), and we each needed a few groceries. We also went to a diner. Rebekah had an omelet and I had a cheeseburger. I seldom buy red meat, but I'll indulge in a bit when I'm out and about. As you can tell, Rebekah and I have pretty wild times.
Monday is a day of mourning for me. Even if I didn't have to work, I wouldn't watch the goings on in D.C. I won't use its name anymore. Carol uses only a lower case t. I've been referring to them as President Melon Musk and his wife Dawn. I don't know what other name I'll use, or if I'll use any name at all.
A while back I watched Making Manson (2024, streaming on Peacock, 3 episodes), the latest documentary about Charles Manson. It includes tapes of phone conversations some guy had with Manson for years while he was in prison. I didn't care about that. What interested me was the women in the "Manson Family" talking about how they ended up with Charlie. Over and over, they said, I was lonely.
Look up information about more of the women and you'll see the same thing: They were lonely. They ran away from home, or were kicked out by their families in some cases. They had no place to go until they met Charlie or another member of the family, who welcomed them.
I've also seen numerous newspaper articles about the epidemic of loneliness in the United States. Fewer people live near their families these days. They don't have the traditional church families of the past. Divorce is more common. Influencers tell young adults to cut off their parents because they're toxic.
This loneliness helps me understand how the political cult developed. People joined because they wanted to be part of something where they felt accepted and understood. They found others who shared their opinions. They could even let loose their basest desires to commit violence and be open about their hatred of the different among us, the people with skin of a different color, the people who follow religions they don't understand.
They could go to exciting rallies where loud music played and the orange-faced man rattled on and danced and swayed on the stage and told them to beat up protesters. It's okay! He'll pay your legal bills. Throw a punch. Kick. Let it out. You'll feel better. And if you see someone on the street who's different, someone to blame for your troubles, punch and kick again, or at least call names. What a relief to let those bastards know they can't replace you or they brought disease to your country. Send them back to their countries! Kill them if you must!
A lot of us have a cult member or two in our families. I've also seen plenty of articles on how to deal with difficult conversations over the dinner table during the holidays. Sometimes it's an older, conservative family member. It might be extended family living in a different part of the country. Or it's someone who is just plain fucking stupid.
However you know these people, they've joined a cult because they found someone who welcomed them the same way Charles Manson welcomed teenaged girls into his family. The women in the Manson family said Charlie could figure out their weaknesses and prey on them. He could also make them feel welcome and loved, before he started threatening them and beating them.
The political cult will not treat its members well. That's already been proven. It didn't pay their legal bills. It broke up families. It mishandled the pandemic, leading to unnecessary deaths, business closures, and lost jobs. Remember empty shelves in grocery stores? And oy gewalt, what an embarrassment on the world stage to have a country run by a cult leader who worships dictators.
The cult leader won't do better this time around. It will reverse much of the good President Biden has done. We know. Some of the members figure it out and leave the cult, but the cult finds new members to replace its defectors.
The leader is not an intelligent man. In spite of his college degree, he is not an educated man. But he is a very good con artist, a barricuda of a cheater. He was raised on it. Then his talent and his mental illness were brought out and perfected by his mentor, Roy Cohn. Cohn was ruthless. He taught the cult leader to attack, attack, attack, to lie no matter what the facts are, and to never give up, never quit.
That is exactly what the cult leader has done.
So yes, today is a day of mourning for me. I've put away some Christmas decorations, but the tree is still up with the lights on it, little blue lights of hope. It provides me with some comfort. When the insurrection took place, I was in the middle of taking down the tree. I put it back up and put the lights back on. Joe Biden urged Americans Sunday to "keep the faith in a better day to come."
I'll try, Joe. It's going to be very difficult, but I'll try.
Infinities of love,
Janie Junebug
We are on a social media blackout. We are going to work on a big puzzle, have a pot roast cooking in the crockpot, a fire in the fireplace and prepare for snowmageddon tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI told Carol this morning, Be like Michelle Obama. Boycott the inauguration.
DeleteYou nailed it, the Play Book is indeed an Old tried and true one on how to manipulate and con, then subdue and use fear and threats to control. The slide into fascism was insidious and Predators do always know their Prey well. I will not watch the News anymore, can't stand to hear or see he who shan't be named and what unspeakable things will unravel daily now. I've been blogging on and off about it all as you well know my Friend, but, you can't reason someone out of something that took no reason to get into. They desperately needed something bigger than themselves and what will receive those that are lonely or social misfits, Hopeless people, it's how Gangs, Cults and some Religions recruit their Members... they prey upon the Lost and the discarded within any Society.
ReplyDeleteYes, these recruitment techiniques are used by some so-called churches, too. Welcome them in, break them down, make them dependent, threaten them if they try to leave, make them as miserable as possible if they do leave. It's all so sad.
DeleteYou're absolutely right, Janie. Getting sucked into a cult, any cult, has everything to do with emotional neediness and emptiness, nothing at all to do with educational or intellectual level.
ReplyDeleteI wish he had never decided to get involved in politics.
DeleteI think The Felon will bungle this term in office as badly as he bungled the last term ... a wall? Nope. Healthcare? Nope. Infrastructure? Nope. Hundreds of thousands dead as a result of his incompetence? Yes. A riot ordered by him when he lost an election? Yeah.
ReplyDeleteThis will be 2.0 of asshattery and nothingness ... I wonder if he'll take this next weekend off to play golf.
I don't know if he'll be able to play golf right away. We're having unusually cold temps in Florida. It might even be too cold for golf at Mar-a-Lumpo. If it's warm enough, though, I imagine he'll be there, cheating away. Or maybe he'll be there just so he can walk into the dining room and enjoy the applause and adulation. After all, he thinks the White House is a dump.
DeleteThis is the best and scariest blog post I've ever read. Thank you, Janie. I live in California, but in a rural mountain community, surrounded by these cult members who attend the orange man's rallies when they are close enough. These are all kind, caring and helpful people. I've tried to talk to them about their leader to no avail and you've helped me understand why -- they are indeed part of a cult.
ReplyDeleteIt's very difficult to get someone to leave a cult. I've read books about parents having their teenagers or young adult kids kidnapped from religious cults to have them deprogrammed because they're brain washed. The people in the political cult are brain washed, too, and they enjoy it.
DeleteI forgot, thank you for the sonnet, I love how well it fit with my post and the photo.
ReplyDeleteThat sonnet is my favorite of Shakespeare's.
DeleteLoneliness is a killer. Which I hear each and every shift I take on the crisis line. I mourn for your country and worry for the world.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was still married but my children had grown up and left home, at times I was so lonely I thought I would die. It's emotionally and physically painful to be that lonely and depressed.
DeleteFunny the silver linings I discover over time. Being raised by a woman who never really wanted children and was not one to be depended on for comfort or guidance and left me alone to watch a one and two year old when I was five...I developed a love of being alone and I never felt lonely because I didn't expect anyone to be there for me, you know? I learned how to be self-sufficient and how to guide my own life. Who knew my mother would be such a blessing--lol! I don't ever remember being lonely and I kind of carved my own personal core foundation (with GA's help). I feel so badly for those girls...and for all the people who are lonely and looking to the outside to fill that empty space inside.
ReplyDeleteI am watching the Agatha Christie series on BritBox. Haven't been up to seeing or hearing Orange Man for some time. ;) I also mourn for our country and the desperately unhappy people who follow the red hats.
Oh, my goodness, taking care of a baby or toddler when you were so little. If something horrible had happened you would have had to live with the trauma and guilt for the rest of your life. I never learned to be self-sufficient because my mother wouldn't let me do anything. I had no power over my own life. It's amazing you became so in control of your life. I can't look at the news. Red hat followers is a good description for those desperate people.
DeleteAnother one of the lonely people groups is the young men who are looking for role models because they feel left out of the progressive left. They voted in large numbers for the new president. They idolize podcast hosts who want life to return to macho males and pliant females, and see a place of worth for themselves in that picture. It's depressing but the Democratic party needs to figure out how to appeal to them sometime in the next four years. What I worry about, even more than the next four years, is that things won't change after the four years is over.
ReplyDeleteI'm worried about the difficulty of changing, too. How will my party meet its goals without preaching to people? How will my party help everyone to feel included? Our candidates cannot come off as superior to the common man.
DeleteCults are scary things as is brainwashing. I'm hopeful we can climb out of this hole we've been thrown into but the fact that 'you can't fix stupid' really worries me because as you so aptly nailed it, many of his followers are just "plain fucking stupid." Touché!
ReplyDeletePS As I'm writing this, I'm watching a report from the Arena in DC where the Coronation was held yesterday. Everyone had to leave their bags on the ground outside to attend the event. This included expensive handbags, most of which were trashed, but as one breathless, giggling disciple gushed to a reporter, "it was worth it to see him!."
Great god almighty. I would probably vomit if I saw it in person. It's horrible enough on TV and I'm not watching it on the TV anymore.
DeleteI make it a point not to fret about things I can't change. There are so many challenges everywhere that I'd be paralyzed into catatonia if I didn't. Social media is a mixed blessing, and I limit it severely (always, not just on pivotal days) so I may manage what I CAN manage. Take good care
ReplyDeleteI left Facebook right after the election. It's been a healthy change for me.
DeleteI am really trying to keep things off my radar these days.I haven't watched CNN or MSNBC since the election.
I have avoided TV news other than checking on the situation in LA because of the fires. I can't stand to see the orange man's face or hear his voice.
DeleteHugs, Janie. We Canadians are kind of upset at the threats aimed in our direction. A fact you may not know: The White House used to be painted grey and was called the President's Palace, until the Canadians set it on fire during the War of 1812. It was painted white in 1814.
ReplyDeleteI stopped watching the tv news to avoid getting upset, and read the paper instead (accompanied by grunts of disgust and disbelief). I left Twitter. (Actually I think Musk hacked my account).
Of course you're upset! Please know many Americans did not vote for him and do not support the orange man's crazy talk. He is out of his mind. His so-called strategies for our country lead to suffering for us and for people in other countries. I do not support him in any way, and I love our kind neighbors in Canada. My daughter lives in Canada!
DeleteI know you do. Most Americans aren't like Voldemort. My critique partner who lives in Washington state wrote me after the election to commiserate, "I can't believe they voted for him TWICE!" She and her husband have joked about moving to Canada to escape.
DeleteI wanted to move to Canada the first time he was elected.
DeleteI feel your pain, Janie! As Barb said, we Canadians are equally upset. All we can do is live our lives as well as we can and hope the next four years pass quickly!
ReplyDeleteI barely glance at the news but every day is a nightmare from which I can't wake up. All I can do is apologize to my Canadian friends.
DeleteI have yet to decide how to face the next four years emotionally. He and his band of idiots talk so much garbage and it's too easy to focus on that. Must not lose sight of the horrible things he's actually doing...
ReplyDeleteMust act locally. There's plenty of work to do, even in my tiny corner of northwest Vermont.
And, of course, be ready to resist. There's some seriously scary shit coming our way.
He's already started doing the horrible things. Emotionally, I'm struggling and I know it will get worse.
DeleteLove this post and the comments - How refreshing to hear truth and not propaganda. Scary how easily people are led, straight into government by the very wealthy, by the Autocrats, and by the Fascists wannabes. Thank you for some sanity in blog land.
ReplyDeleteI don't like a cold front
ReplyDeleteHaven't watched the news in over a month. Ignorance is liberating, at least for a while.
ReplyDeleteI call "it" the orange-pig-traitor..Would that work for you? I totally agree that the rest of us with brains have no idea what is wrong with his lovers.
ReplyDeleteVery sick people...Sad for the rest of this planet and now even in "The Outer Limits."
A lot of sociopaths prey on lonely people. It's so sad.
ReplyDeleteWhere's Janie? You haven't posted in weeks. Hope you're okay.