Tuesday, September 5, 2023


Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,

A summer under the heat dome was rough, with months of almost daily thunderstorms and temperatures around 100° that usually felt like 112 or so. Idalia blew through a few days ago and took with her some of the heat and humidity. The heat of summer isn't over, though. 

Idalia brought only a few raindrops, but the wind left a mess in the yard. I'm still cleaning up leaves and sticks. Late Thursday evening, storm over, the dogs and I started at a THUD of unknown source. Friday morning, I discovered some large tree limbs had fallen on the roof. I texted my wonderful neighbor, Penelope's beloved Auntie Maureen, whose yard guy had just mowed her yard. He quickly returned to remove the branches from my roof. 

I asked how much I owed him and he said, A cup of cold water. I returned with the water and a bottle of blackberry-infused water I hope he enjoyed. I have a number of tree limbs that need to be cut down, which he said he could take care of in the future. What a relief it always is to find someone nice to do some work.

 The cicadas have been going strong. I let the dogs out one night and they found a cicada on the deck. They went after it. That bastard buzzed like a stuck doorbell, then went after me, heading toward my face and neck. Finally, he flew away.

The next night, one flew in the house and landed on the light in the laundry room, where it tried to set up housekeeping after attacking me while I folded laundry. I had to get a broom to dispatch it. 

You haven't seen much of me because I've been so busy with work. Although I've missed you, I'm happy for the job security. We weren't nearly as busy a year ago. More about work another day.

We rejoiced over indictments. I don't know what will become of the orange blob (215 lbs. snicker). I worry about 2024.

I didn't have time to watch many shows, but I did take in the movie Till (2022), starring Danielle Deadwyler in a moving performance as Mamie Till Mobley and an unreconizable Whoopie Goldberg as Mobley's mother. 

Telling the same story in a slightly different way is Women of the Movement (2022; streaming on HULU; six episodes), starring Adrienne Warren as Mobley.

I think––I hope––most Americans know the story of Emmett Till.The movie and the series focus on his mother's story and the work she undertook in her grief. 

I had my eyes checked a couple of weeks ago. The doctor and I were shocked when I couldn't read anything on the chart with my left eye. New glasses will be ready in a couple of weeks. 

In spite of the heat, the summer has gone by quickly with the business of work. My desk is the center of the dogs' world. I'm grateful Franklin is still with us. The cancer hasn't returned. He is either 15 or it's fast approaching. His annual wellness exam is next week. Penelope remains my darling Penelope. She had her check-up. She's doing well in spite of her "arthuritis" and an occasional limp. Princess learns every day. I'll write more about her on another day as well. We all love her.

Infinities of love,

Janie Junebug


  1. Lovely ode to end-of summer. The yard guy is a keeper, your new glasses will make you see ever better, and long live dear franklin <3

    1. Franklin is my fellah. When he started a round of doggy toy sneakery a couple of days ago, I knew he felt good.

  2. Sounds like you had a busy, hot summer. Job security is a good thing! Glad you won the war against the cicada. Hugs to Franklin, Penelope and Princess.

    1. It was me or the cicada. I can't let those critters take over the house.

  3. I saw both Till movies, but really liked Women of the Movement. The story broke, breaks, my heart.

    1. I cried over the movie and the show. Did you know Megar Evers' widow is still alive? Saw an interview with her recently. I think she's 96.

  4. Franklin making it to fifteen is huge. It bespeaks much care and love.
    Hugs Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. I adore my Frank. My work gives me the resources to give the dogs good care, along with the work of the excellent vet, Dr. G., who saved his life.

  5. I hope you can emerge from under the heat dome soon. I am glad to hear that you escaped the worst of Idalia and that your furry family is doing well, and hope your new glasses help immeasurably.
    I also really, really hope that the indictments are followed by convictions..

    1. I have the same hopes, EC, my love. The temperature is still getting up to 90+ during the day, but a change is in the air. I think some of these indictments will definitely result in convictions.

  6. I worry about 2024, too. I hope we have learned the power of the ballot. I know we have, here in Ohio.
    Thanks for the review of Till. I took my granddaughter and a couple of friends to a local theater production of Billie Halliday. I wanted them to understand Low Hanging Fruit. They all were in high school, and old enough. I don't think I got through.

    1. It might not have gotten through at the time, but I bet it will sink in eventually. Voting is crucial.

  7. Have you given any thought to when you might do the FGES competition? Have you received them yet?

    1. Oh, they're heeee-eerrrrrre, just like an evil spirit. It will be a surprise and will take place when my work slows down and we're headed into the holiday season.

  8. I'm so glad work is going well, even if there's too much of it. I hope you have a nice autumn to make up for the oppressive summer.

    1. It's already cooler at night and so nice when we wake up in the morning that I can leave the back door open for a bit to let the dogs scamper in and out.

  9. I go for my eye exam next month. Worried about my right eye as I think I may be ready for cataract surgery now. Glad you didn't suffer any real damage from the storm. We've been having small signs of cooler temps in the morning, which is nice, but it's soon replaced with hot temps. My car is so hot when I get into it after work and takes the whole ride home to cool down. Love to your pups. :-)

    1. It cools off nicely now during the evening. The humidity is lower. The AC doesn't have to run as much. Let me know about your surgery.

  10. Nice people really still do exist although it sometimes seems hard to find them! If Trump is 215lbs I’m only thirty years old! Add around 70 lbs and you’re probably getting close.

    1. The big problem with workers is they don't show up! This guy seems to be a keeper. Yes, if Trump is 215, I'm back to the 103 I weighed when I graduated from high school.

  11. I'm glad the hurricane didn't cause too much damage. Both of my kids in Florida missed the brunt of the storm. Crazy about the cicadas. Annoying little buggers!

  12. I remember the cicadas down south when I was a kid and we traveled cross country from Minneapolis to Florida every summer for several years. They were so loud and creepy to me! And they were EVERYWHERE! I hope they don't last long.

    I haven't seen either movie. Will have to look them up.

    I'm so glad you have your furbabies and they are all doing well. Makes a world of difference, doesn't it? Give them pets from RitaPitaPan. ;)

    1. I have to warn you Till and Women of the Movement made me cry. They're pretty emotional. Franklin has been quite lively lately. He dances for his meals, which I love to see.

  13. That's good news about Franklin. Lady A's meds seem to be doing the trick, she's got a bit of her feistiness back, which is good. Course we are back into a heat wave also, so she's still spending much of her day in front of the fans. I'm glad the storm left minimal damage. I don't miss the hurricanes, but at least they are taken seriously, unlike our nor'easters which can be just as destructive.

    1. Nor'easters aren't taken seriously? They sure should be! Wow! They can be horrible. Franklin is also probably feeling good because it's not so damn hot, although it is getting warmer and more humid again. I'm happy your doggy is better.

  14. We've had cicadas, too. My wife had never seen one before.

  15. Finding a reliable worker for yard or anywhere is a great find! My sister is widowed and lives alone. She hasn't been able to find anyone reliable and is ready to move into a town home with lawn care.


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