Friday, July 7, 2023


 Hello. It is I, Penelope.

Get back here behind the couch with me.

We have to talk. Someone has to bring Mom Mom to her senses so she throws out that big ugly thing she brought into our home. That dog isn't royalty and she didn't go to the coronation. She wasn't even invited. She's German.

I know the English royal family has ties to Germany so don't start trying to teach me history. It turns out I'm the one who was invited to the coronation––I'm distantly related to those corgis––but I couldn't go because I had to protect Mom Mom and Franklin from the German invader. 

I guess that dog doesn't speak any English because she doesn't even sit when Mom Mom says sit. Sit is the easiest thing in the world. I learned it in about two minutes (editor's note: it took five years for Penelope to learn sit and she still avoids obeying the command). 

She eats all the time. She must be costing us a fortune and poor Mom Mom already works her tiny fingers to the bone tippity tapping all day on the computer for that work thing she does to get money for kibble and treats. Poor, poor Mom Mom. She couldn't possibly have known what she was getting into with this thing.

That girl is still a big time klepto, too. She stole a bar of soap from the edge of the bathtub and ate part of it! Why would anyone want to eat soap! YUCK! She still potties in the house sometimes. I have never never ever pottied in the house (editor's note: Penelope has had many accidents in the house for which she has always been forgiven). 

Because she is German, she gets all wild and rough. She ran into the village idiot, uh, I mean my poor frail, elderly big brother Franklin and knocked him down. It was horrible. I was so afraid he was badly injured and would have to go to the vet. My darling, beloved big brother turned out to be all right after he rested for a while. I was so very grateful. 

I thought she was royalty because her name gives that impression. Why would she have a name like that when she isn't royalty? Her name starts with the letter P just like my name. . . . just like my name . . . letter P . . . wait a minute . . . WAIT A MINUTE . . . I SEE WHAT'S GOING ON! Mom Mom brought in that younger bigger German dog with a P name to replace me! Mom Mom wants that dog instead of me!!! What am I going to do?

I see it now! It's been Mom Mom's plan all along to replace me with that P-word. 

And you know what else? No director ever called about making the Rudolph movie I was supposed to star in as the polka dotted elephant. Remember how Santa Paws brought my costume for Kissmas because it was a sign I would star in the movie?

A director was supposed to call me, but the call never came. I never got the call from the Daniels, or Spielberg, or the Coen brothers. Not even Darren Aronofsky or Paul Thomas Anderson.

When she learns to sit, I bet the call will come for her and it will be Marty Scorsese. My dream was to be directed by Marty. 

She has stolen my dream.

My costume won't fit her gigantic ass. She'll have to get her own. I suppose Marty will send Steven to deliver the costume to her in person. 

Woe is me. Woe is meeeeee. Waaaaaaah waaaaaaahhhh. All is lost. Waaaaaah. I guess I'll be the one Mom Mom throws out like a bag of garbage. Out to the road I'll go, never to be seen again. Waaaaaaah sniffle sniff My heart is broken, broken I tell you. The P-word will take my place in the house and she'll be Franklin's sister and Mom Mom's baby girl. It's the end of the world. I think I'll die. Waaaaah. Waaaah. This is my final blog post. I'll never get to write to you again. The supper I ate last night was the last supper. I'll never have a meal again. I'll starve to death. Waaaaaaaaaaaahhh. Abused all my life and now I'll be tossed out to starve and die. Maybe Auntie Maureen will see me and toss a bread crumb to me. Please, please help me, Auntie Maureen. I need you, Auntie Maureen. Waaaaaah. Auntie Rebekah, if you see this, maybe you will come to get me and give me a tiny drink of water when it's hot. Pretty please?

This is my last day on earth. Farewell, cruel world.

Before I go, I'll show a picture of that German girl's big ugly butt.

Someone needs to tell her to fahr zur Hölle.


  1. I'm coming Penelope, you can come stay with Auntie Rebekah

    1. Hurry, Auntie Rebekah! Hurry! I will be thrown out any minute now!

  2. Oh dear, Penelope, things seem to be going from bad to worse! Glad to see your trials and tribulations, however, have brought you closer to your beloved (since when?) brother Franklin.

    1. I have always loved the village idiot very much, even when he fooled me into trying to eat a dead lizard.

  3. Good luck with the new family member. I'm sure he's a keeper.

  4. Oh, sweet Penelope! How can they be so mean to you?! If Mom Mom doesn't get her act together soon you just hop a train north and come stay with your Auntie Jennifer and Cousin George and Cousin Poppy. We love you!

    1. I didn't know I have an Auntie Jennifer. Maybe I don't need a train. Auntie Rebekah might bring me to you in her car. I love you, Auntie Jennifer!

  5. Poor Penelope -- hiding behind the couch! I'm sure that big German girl (Royalty or not) is quite intimidating! Hang in there Penelope, and don't start eating soap.

    1. I will never never never eat soap. It's yucky like the shampoo that Mom Mom uses to wash my fur.

  6. You aren't being replaced, Your family has just grown. But it is not nice to insult other's physical attributes or intelligence no matter who it is. Just because someone is different or new does not make them your enemy. Fear brings out the worst in us. Have you been watching too much of the news since 2016?

    1. Sometimes I do watch a little news with Mom Mom. I have seen that thing, I don't know what it is, with the orange hair and skin. It makes a lot of noise and it frightens me. The German girl barks so loud that it's scary, but she's not orange. I will try to get used to her, Auntie Rita.

    2. I would cover my eyes and ears, Penelope. No one should get used to either one of them.

    3. Oh, sorry--I was thinking the barking German girl was a very loud one named Greene, but I don't know her ancestry--LOL! My mind went right from orange man to green girl. Be nice to Princess! :)

    4. I'm always nice to everyone, Auntie Rita. She's the one who's mean. I only act in self-defense.

  7. Poor, poor Penelope. I am sure she is wrong but it does make a very dramatic story.

    1. My world is filled with drama and now the drama is as big as a big-assed German girl dog.

  8. Sweet Penelope! Sounds like she needs a lot of reassurance!

    1. Yes, I am sweet and I need a lot more love than I get.

  9. Fear not Penelope...just put her big ass in the Freakin' Green Elf Shorts!!!!

    1. When the time is right, I'll suggest that to Mom Mom, if I haven't already gone away with Auntie Rebekah to live with Auntie Jennifer.

  10. Penelope, dear heart, where did you learn such language!?!?

    1. I learned it from reading blogs. They have been my education.

  11. Poor Penelope! How sad that Mom isn't paying you enough attention. Don't worry, though! I know she loves you a lot and always will, no matter who else comes along. As for the German girl, I bet you'll be good friends one day!

    1. I don't think I can ever be friends with a German invader. She is too big and ugly and mean.

  12. Poor, poor Penelope. Never fear sweet pup, Auntie Maureen will always save you from the German Invader. I know it took you a little while to get used to me but now I am your favorite! Franklin and I will always protect you

    1. Yes, you are my favorite person in the whole world, Auntie Maureen. You are so much better than Mom Mom. I knew you would save me. What a relief. Now I won't have to starve to death.

  13. I feel for you, Penelope, but you really should watch your mouth.

    1. Watch my mouth? Are you making fun of my toofers because I have an underbite?

  14. Hi Janie - lots going on for you and Penelope ... I do hope things improve - cheers Hilary

    1. It's very hard to be a poor, abused sad little dog who is picked on by a big German girl.

  15. Oh my, Penelope, it is a big ugly butt! But maybe it could be the thing that brings you together. She is probably acting up because she is embarrassed. Now if you taught her the right way to do things think how pleased Mom would be with YOU! She would see that you are still the best and give you no end of treats for being so helpful. Do you think you could do that, Penelope? I know it would be difficult but I believe in you.

    1. You do? Really? Treats are nice. Maybe I can show the German girl how to potty in the yard and get her to play outside instead of being so rough and wild in the house. At least you understand how ugly her butt is.

  16. Breathe, Penelope, breathe! You are irreplaceable. One of a kind. Mom mom will never ever get rid of you. Mark my words! :)

  17. It's hard, Penelope. But these shepherds can be true blue allies if you let them.

  18. Aww...Penelope. You just need to open your heart and make friends...who knows, maybe you'd have a companion for lifetime!

  19. Hope Penelope has gotten used to the new member of the family by now. Sandra

  20. Penelope... it will get better but if not better soon come visit Agatha ! thewinston also but we don't talk about him much.

  21. Penelope, you are equal parts adorable and hilarious! Don't worry, I think your spot in Mom Mom's heart is secure :)


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