Saturday, January 6, 2024


 Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,

It's been three years, not four, since I was attacked. It's funny how time becomes all muddled. I realized the number of years today because it's January 6th. When I was at home recovering in 2021, Carol called me to say TURN ON YOUR TV and of course I saw insanity and asked her what was going on. They're breaking into the Capitol building.

I've seen some crazy things in my life, but that was by far the craziest.

Today the FBI arrested three fugitives from justice here in Florida––people charged with assaulting police officers that day who didn't show up in court. Eighty-some people are still wanted for acts of violence that day, but thousands are on the FBI's Most Wanted site because they're accused of participating in the insurrection. More than 1,200 others have been charged and 890+ found guilty of federal crimes. Out of those found guilty, more than half were sentenced to prison time. 

The winner of the longest prison sentence, so far, is the leader of the oath keepers, who got 18 years. Some other oath keeper members received multiple year sentences. Some of those people had long lists of convictions from the past before they became insurrectionists. 

Note the guy in the foregound of the photo above taking a selfie. A lot of these idiots filmed themselves or were turned in by "friends" and family. That's what you get when you're a devout follower of a president who isn't a real president. He says he'll make America great again. Why didn't he do it during the first four years he had? He didn't drain the swamp. He shit in it and made it worse when he wasn't cheating at golf and bilking foreign governments out of funds to enrich himself. I don't want someone in office who says he'll be a dictator on the first day or any other day. He wants to use the office for revenge against anyone who has picked on him; that is, they told the truth about him. That's not what the presidency is about. 

After complaining about work, I threw myself into it and worked my butt off this week. I was off on New Year's Day, but Tuesdsay through Friday I went all out and did my best. Thank you for your support and understanding when I opened up about how hard it's been. I work six days during the coming week. That will be rough so I have to pace myself.

Princess and I were supposed to go for a training session this morning, but I had to reschedule. My left foot is red and swollen. It's been sore all week. I don't know if a dog stomped on it or if I smacked it against something. Usually it would be bruised, but it's not. Anyway, I'm staying off of it this weekend. I wanted to start putting away Christmas decorations. That's not happening. I don't care if the trees are up until February or May or next Christmas. I had started taking my tree down three years ago and I put it back up post-insurrection because it gave me some comfort and hope. 

Maybe I'm to become Miss Havisham with Christmas trees and cookie crumbs instead of a wedding dress and what used to be food for my wedding guests.

I read until about 12:30 last night and then couldn't sleep. I had cramps in my feet and one leg. It rained pretty hard during the early morning hours and I felt cozy in my flannel jammies under my favorite blanket. 

We've only had one night chilly enough for the girls to wear their jammies.

Franklin has only worn clothing once. That was right after Christmas 2022 when we had several nights in the 20s and he actually welcomed wearing an elf suit and covering up with a blanket.

I'm going to take a shower now and read for a while. Good night all.

Infinities of love,

Janie Junebug


           BECAUSE IT DOES.


  1. I read that Nancy Drew book, I found out, Don't believe everything you read.

    Can't believe it is three years already with the Capitol. All those people caught and arrested and yet the head pile of shit is STILL not jailed or arrested and allowed to run for President!!!!!! If he does win, I guess the country really does want a mobster criminal running things!!! I don't think I'll relax till after the election, and hopefully Biden will win, otherwise the gates of hell will open and we may never get them shut again.

    I got a real good chuckle at Princess in a PJ. It's rare to see a big dog in them, ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! As you saw we finally got some snow..and now it's all sleet.

    1. Don't believe everything you read? You mean not everything is a dildo? Princess was adorable in her pink jammies. A lot of people really do want a criminal as president because they don't believe he's a criminal.

  2. Ah they were just a group of tourists having a pleasant visit to
    Washington - every knows that! Trump says so, so it must be true.

    1. A lot of people still believe the insurrection was planned by the FBI. Former Vice President Mike Pence is not the brightest bulb in the marquee, but this morning, he again denounced that lie.

    2. It’s amazing that for most of the time he was VP he was Trump’s most loyal sycophant. Who knows how these devout Christians work?

  3. Brava for the rant of the wannabe dick-tator.
    And that list of Unfair Questions is spot on!

    1. donald says the Civil War could have been negotiated. I'm sure he thinks there were a lot of good people on both sides.

  4. There's a lot to be said for Miss Havisham's style of life. Cookies and dogs, and Christmas trees, all sound good to me.

    1. It's a shame work will get in the way of my Miss Havisham life.

  5. I was surprised by four years the other day. But then, I can’t believe it’s been three years. What a shit show. Hope you’re doing well now. The pups in the PJs are adorable. Peter praying and everything’s a dildo are going make the rounds among my friends. You always manage to make me smile.

    1. I'm glad you're smiling because I've already been to your blog and seen your eye. Ouch! I'm doing well except my left foot hurts like a sonuvabitch. I wrapped it in an ace bandage. I'm starting to wonder if I broke a bone. I do not want to go out for treatment of anything. Just let me limp around the house until it heals.

  6. OMG -- those memes are hysterical. Especially the Nancy Drew one.

    Dave wants to get Olga some jammies but I've resisted. I am not convinced the dog wants to wear clothes. Yours seem pretty comfortable, though!

    Yes, we gotta vote. Gotta head off this Trumpian nightmare. He would be funny if he weren't so scary.

    1. He's not funny to me, but his followers laugh at the crap he says as if he's quite the comedian. Olga might like clothes. When it's chilly enough, Penelope loves a cozy sweater. Princess liked her jammies, but did not like her reindeer sweater. However, it was warm when she tried it on. She might like it if it gets cold enough.

  7. That's our one job this year--get out the vote and convince the voters to vote BLUE. Love the jammed dogs. My little terriers always made do with T shirts.

    1. We have to make people aware of what trump has done. So many of them don't watch any real news or read a newspaper.

  8. I teared up when I saw the fishducky, how I miss her. My girlfriend's birthday is on the 6th and that year she for sure had quite a day, as we all did.

    1. I miss fishducky, too. I see her kids on Facebook sometimes.

  9. I loved those memes! The Nancy Drew one sure gave me a chuckle. And the list of GOP questions? Hilarious. I worry that Trump might have an actual chance to win, and for the life of me, I just don't understand why anyone would vote for that idiot.

    1. They vote for him out of ignorance and because he talks about the things they feel, such as white men thinking they're being replaced and all the Christian nationalism crap.

  10. How's your foot?! For some reason I wasn't sure of when your attack was, either. But when you said Jan 6th was soon after--now I will remember (probably--lol!). I've had brain fog for so long that if I don't write things down I am likely to forget...and that is for current things! The decorations will wait. :)

    The pups all look so cozy in their outfits. Is Princess better now that's she's home from training?

    Great memes! Trumpworld gets crazier and crazier! I hear things and can't believe they are actually happening--that he's actually said this or that! The alternate world he has created is such a scary, nasty place. Somehow it has to be a profitable place for the majority of the republicans, though. Lord help us!

    1. My foot still hurts. I don't know what I did to it. I'm always amazed by the garbage he says and his followers cheer him on.

  11. Oh poor you! We’d make quite the pair. My eight foot is no longer swollen. I could help you get around.

    1. Until you get hurt again and then together we'd almost be one whole person.

  12. Surely that odious man won't win again. I love your dogs :-)

    1. The danger that the odious man will win again is very real. My dogs love you, too.

  13. (From Auntie Maureen) I so love seeing the pups in their jammies. Love the memes too. Hope your foot is starting to feel better. I was in shock last night watching results from the Iowa Caucus. Have people lost their mind?

    1. People started to lose their minds the moment he slithered down the escalator in 2016 to announce he was running.

  14. Is that foot better?


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