Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Dear Hearts and Gentle People,

I might have to go back to using comment moderation.

My most recent post attracted spam. I looked through the three previous posts. They all had dumb comments that I removed. Grrrrrrrr. I don't leave spam on other sites.

I suppose asking to respect my blog is too much.

I got my cpap today. It's supposed to help with my sleep disorder so I won't be tired all the time. I find the device a bit daunting, and I admit that I'm going to wait until tomorrow to use it for the first time. My brain has to build up to the idea of having something strapped around my head and sticking in my nose. I know Penelope will find it disconcerting and might jump out of the bed.

Then I definitely won't sleep.

I wonder if anyone has been watching Fosse/Verdon on FX. It's quite good, but do many people remember who Bob Fosse and Gwen Verdon were? How about you, you, and you? What do you know about Fosse and Verdon?

Infinities of love,

Janie Junebug


  1. A pox on all those evil spammers! Good luck with the CPAP. Sounds like you have a nasal mask. I couldn't cope with those and went for the full face one. Let me know if you need any advice, as I've been using one for a few years now.

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I chose the nasal type because the mask seemed like too much on my face. I have 30 days to switch to a different kind of mask without a charge.

  2. One of my brothers relies on a CPAP. Mind you, his wife has moved to another room.
    Hiss and spit on the spammers.
    I have seen the ads for Fosse Verdon but know less than nothing about its origins.

    1. I don't want Penelope to move to another room. I sleep better with her in our bed.

  3. I always moderated comments, and it was never to keep out people who disagreed. It was because of Spam, which grew exponentially lately. I used to have to "mark as spam" about three times a week. Then it became a thrice daily thing. So now only people with Google accounts and logged into their accounts (never anonymous) can comment, and I still moderate. Span is shameless and shameful.

    1. The next comment after yours is one I'll be deleting. It's about Mumbai escorts. I've received it several times now.

  4. Oh my goodness! Mumbai escorts? Yes, that's a span comment right there. I've been getting a lot also...but on an old post. I reverted the post back to draft and they stopped, but then I got more on another old post. I mark the comments as spam, but they keep coming. It's annoying.

    1. Ack! They just posted a comment on my blog too!! I'm infected! lol

    2. I just deleted that particular spam, but I'll probably be sorry when I make my next trip to Mumbai. It seems to be a very popular spam item. I've seen it on a number of other blogs.

  5. Anybody I know who uses a CPAP says you get used to it quite quickly and it makes a world of difference in relieving fatigue. The only thing I know about Bob Fosse and Gwen Verdon is from the old movie "All That Jazz."

    1. Favorite Young Man says that he knows a number of people who use a cpap. It takes a while to get used to it and then it's fine.

  6. I think most of the spam comments are automated (bots) so it's nothing personal, just another example of the down side of technology.

    I know nothing of Fosse or Verdon; are you going to tell us more?

    Good luck with your CPAP machine. Some people adjust better than others. I couldn't tolerate mine but since I was just on the edge of needing one, the respiratory therapist suggested I just not sleep on my back. It's surprising how quickly you can train yourself to do that.

    1. Yes, the spam is almost always automated. Willy Dunne Wooters taught me about spambots. I don't sleep on my back so that's not a problem for me. I suspect some information about Bob Fosse and Gwen Verdon will show up here.

  7. Hi Janie - I ignore and delete said useless comments and refuse to get rattled - easiest way to ignore and forget them. If it gets awful for a while then I comment moderate - I just make sure I delete the odd ones that come along ...

    Cpap - good luck ... I haven't specifically spoken to anyone using one - but understand they really can help. All the best - cheers Hilary

    1. I don't feel rattled by the spam. It's just tiresome. Thanks for your good wishes with the cpap.

  8. For the Cpap, just pretend you are Darth Vader!
    I have really enjoyed Fossee/Verdon. I may be old enough to remember them, just possibly maybe kinda. (yeah right!)

    1. I enjoyed Fosse/Verdon, too. I'm concerned that most people don't know who they are. They should not be forgotten.

  9. I have a friend who has been using a CPAP for a few years. She said that it took a while to get used to and she hates cleaning it, but she's never slept better.

    The name Bob Fosse sounds vaguely familiar but no idea why or who he is. But then I am terrible with remembering names.

    1. It's supposed to be pretty easy to clean. Just put the parts in some warm, soapy water. Wash, rinse, and dry. That's what the technician said. We'll see if it's true.

  10. My sister uses a cpap recently. I must ask her about it.

    1. PS-about spam. The Mumbai escorts is the worst of the spammers. I am mentally down to which of us can keep at it the longest. I don't intend to lose.

    2. We must defeat the Mumbai escorts. I know we can do it.

  11. I've been getting spam regularly on my blog. It can be so annoying. But I guess it's a small price to pay for my free blog :)

    1. I don't like to look back at older posts and find spam. It's icky (that's the technical term).

  12. I use a Cpap machine can't sleep much without it, didn't take long to get use to the mask.

    1. That's good news. I feel encouraged. Thank you.

  13. I have a cpac machine but have lots of problems because of some health problems.
    The first year was great but now I am off and on with it.
    Good luck and do not worry it will work for you !
    parsnip x

  14. That cpap does sound daunting.
    I've seen the previews but am unfamiliar with Fosse/Verdon.
    In regards to your question about reading. I try to read about half an hr of nonfiction before I flip to fiction. I've currently switched from George to the Mueller Report. My kindle tells me I've only got about 14 hrs to go on that. sigh.

    1. I used the cpap last night, which means I put it on and was awake until 6 a.m. It didn't upset Penelope.

  15. Did that moron who claims that women over 35 create autistic children visit you too? Sigh.
    I had a bf with the CPAP. It was hard at first, but then easy to adjust to (for him, not me). Smiles.
    Love you.

    1. No, I haven't gotten the women over 35 visit. I thought vaccines caused autism. I'm so tired of hearing about outbreaks of measles that shouldn't be happening.

  16. I periodically get spam too. Ack.

    1. Franklin wants to know if it's the kind of spam that shows up on the computer or the kind that comes in a can. I explained it to him.


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