Friday, November 21, 2014


Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi, Every Buddy! I'm Franklin the Bordernese, and I'm excited because I did something new yesterday. Mom was so proud of me that she told my friend Willy Dunne Wooters about it with the little telephone box.

Me and Mom went for our afternoon walk in the neighborhood park. Two little kids were there, a boy kid and a girl kid. They were playing with a ball.

The girl kid asked Mom, Can I pet your dog?

Mom said, You can try. He's afraid of children so you need to walk up to him very slowly. He's also afraid of balls.

The girl kid took the ball from the boy kid and tossed it aside. That helped me feel better. They weren't bad. They wanted to be nice.

I decided to let them pet me. The boy kid scratched my back. The girl kid stroked my head.

The boy kid said, He's soft. The girl kid said, He's pretty.

I felt good. I didn't get scared and try to run away.

When Mom used the telephone box to talk to my friend Willy Dunne Wooters, she said I'd had a first. She said it was a milestone.

Mom was happy because I'm a brave dog.

When I see my friend Willy Dunne Wooters this weekend, I just know he'll say that he's proud of me, too.

Mom said to tell you that on Monday she'll try to write a MOVIE WEEKEND post so you know what to watch after Thanksgiving.

I love Thanksgiving. I get a little turkey with my kibble.

I'm tired now. I need some rest.

Okay I love you bye-bye

Franklin the Bordernese


  1. Hello, Franklin! Can we be Franklin with each other?

    What a good boy you are and a brave one, too! You had a breakthrough in the park that day and learned an important lesson. Not all people are bad. Some are good. Some want to reach out to you and touch you and give you lubbins because they like you and want to make you feel good. The lesson you learned is that every person deserves a chance. If you automatically retreat from a stranger you might miss the opportunity to make a great friend.

    Tell Mom I wish her a safe and happy weekend and same to you, good buddy Franklin!

    1. Mr. Shady, I don't think you can be Franklin. Mom says that's not your name. I like lubbins. That's a good word.

  2. Hi Franklin .. glad you let the children give you a stroke or two - helps them understand about dogs .. so I'm sure WDW will be especially proud when he comes round ...

    Have a good weekend - hope you're not snowbound too much .. Hilary

    1. Hi, Ms. Hilary! Thanks for visiting me. We don't have snow where we live.

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed your petting, Franklin. Schultz loves his. In fact, when he sees kids, he rolls on his back to get his tummy rubs. Tummy rubs are the best!

    1. I'm not ready to let kids touch my tummy, but I'm glad tummy rubs make Schultz happy. I wish I could meet him. We would play together.

  4. That's nice, Franklin. But it's good to be wary of children anyway. They can be a bit rough - and stupid. Youth is wasted on the young ...

    Consider yourself cyber-snuggled from Down Under and Off to the Side :)

    1. Thanks for the cyber-snuggle from so far away. Mom would never let naughty kids get near me. I'm safe with Mom, and that's why I could let the nice kids pet me.

  5. My dog really doesn't like people outside of our house. Sometimes, she will let people pet her but only if I'm making her sit still for it.

    1. The Hurricane had a Labradoodle who loved children. She wasn't the best behaved dog, but with children she would sit still while they made a fuss over her.

  6. Good boy! I'll bet the children enjoyed meeting you as much as you enjoyed meeting them.

    If you ask Mom real nicely, maybe she'll even cook the turkey innards for you. With gravy. Our dog Buck used to love that.

    Happy weekend!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you & your mom, you big, beautiful, brave thing, you!!

    1. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, Mrs. Ducky. Do you think you'll get some turkey with your kibble?

  8. Aw, that's so sweet. I'm glad the kids were nice and he was able to trust them :) I would like to scratch his soft head, too!

  9. It's good that the children asked permission to pet you. It shows they respect your space and desire. I'm glad you and Mom are able to communicate so easily - love knows what the other needs or is ready to receive. So you were ready and able to be brave through it all. I think that's a wonderful thing to celebrate.

    Kibble is nice but I prefer dressing with my turkey treat. Isn't it nice that we all like very different things? However I must say you would also like the gravy! It makes your coat nice and shiny - at least that's what my Mom always said about our dog Whiskers.
    Get some rest and have sweet dreams of your day in the park! I look forward to reading the Monday post. Bye for now.

    1. I was glad the children asked first and didn't run up to me. They were good kids. I bet I'll get some gravy with my turkey and kibble.

  10. Good for you, Franklin the Bordernese. I believe you would have got on well with another turkey lover, my cat Kreuger. Every Thanksgiving he waited for his plate. Hold the trimmings.

    1. Kreuger was a good cat, wasn't he, Mrs. Joanne? I bet you miss him.

  11. Aw!!! Good boy! Love you too, Franklin! xo

  12. Don't we just love, love, love that Franklin! Have a fabulous weekend with WDW!

    1. WDW is here now. He keeps asking me not to bark at the neighbors, but it's part of my job.

  13. Oh what a good boy you are I can see why your mum is proud of you

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mrs. Coffee. Lots of people say I'm cute.

  15. Nice job, Franklin. You really are a good dog.

    1. I try to be good because I like making Mom happy, Mr. Chatterbox.

  16. When I meet you Franklin, I fully expect to let me pat you ;)

    1. If you walk up to me quietly, I will let you pet me.

  17. Good for you, Franklin!! My dog Clancy is afraid of children and he hasn't gotten this far yet. Maybe your bravery will inspire him. :)
    You're a doll! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    1. Maybe the children are too jumpity around Clancy. My children friends were very quiet and well behaved.

  18. Hey Franklin!

    So good to see another established, highly acclaimed pawblisher, pawsting on this human's site. A pawfect pawst.

    That's well neat that you let the children pet you. Most kids are pretty cool and most really love dogs. My biggest problem is avoiding the pesky "puparazzi". You know what I mean, Franklin?

    My Canadian dog friends tell me it was already Thanksgiving back in October. Just think, you could have even more turkey.

    Pawsitive wishes,


    1. Hi, hi, hi, Penny! I bet my mom will fix a turkey for Christmas, too. Do you get to have turkey?

    2. Hey, hey, hey Franklin!

      I not only get to have turkey, I prepare the meal, with all the trimmings! Arf and I hope you had a pawfect weekend, Franklin.

      Pawsitive wishes,


  19. Franklin, you love-pup, everything you do is art.

    If I were a kid, I'd be all over you (and I'd ask first).

    1. I know you have very nice manners, Mrs. Cherdo.


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