Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,
It's still chilly in Florida, and today it's dreary and raining.
Eternal Father, Strong To Save was one of the hymns sung at Jimmy Carter's funeral. I'm sure it was chosen in honor of former President Carter's service in the Navy and his education at the Naval Academy because it's considered the Navy hymn.
Lately, it's been Princess who cries out because she thinks she's in peril. When our relationship was new, she allowed me to clip her nails when she was lying on my her bed. She also had a manicure at the vet's office without a fuss. But in the past year she's become less cooperative.
Her nails were pretty long so a couple of days ago, I approached with the clippers. I managed to clip one nail on a front paw and then she rebelled and cried out. We battled and she yelped as I trimmed a couple more nails. I finally gave up when she fought so hard I feared she might injure herself.
Sunday evening it was time to try again. Since force hadn't worked, I tried negotiating. In my left hand I held cookie pieces on a plate, and in my right hand I held up the nail clippers. Princess, I told her, you get some cookie for each paw we complete.
She gave me the paw we had almost finished. I only needed to trim one nail. Then she had her cookie reward. I asked for another paw. Negotiations broke down. Princess went on strike; I fumed.
I decided to clip Penelope's nails as a means of exerting pressure on Princess. Penelope remained motionless during clipping. I praised her extravagantly and provided generous cookie rewards.Princess acquiesced to reopening negotiations. She wanted larger cookie perks. I wanted greater paw access. I was willing to provide more cookies, but she didn't want to provide the paws.
I had to try a different approach. I got out her leash and led her to the living room couch, where I set the plate of cookies and a box of dog treats. She hopped up on the couch to go after the cookies, while I went after a paw. She balked. I removed the cookies.
We tried again, and finally, she gave in. With cookies and some treats from the box, we finished nail clipping in record time and I told her what a wonderful, beautiful Princess she is. From first to final nail clipped, it had only taken about 48 hours.
My teammates and I have also been experiencing some peril at work. No one is grabbing our paws, but more and more often, our clients shout and curse at us over the phone. One of my teammates spoke to someone during December who called her a c*nt and last week another was called a bitch. Recently I had to tell a man that he'd received a warning message because he hadn't signed a document required for his account. He went ballistic.
I was shocked. I hadn't spoken to him differently from the way I talk to other people. I told him I was sorry he didn't like the way I spoke and I didn't intend to treat him as if he's a child, but the document needed to be signed.
He remained furious. I couldn't say anything without him accusing me of speaking to him in the wrong way, so I told him I would reach out to a supervisor for him. He said, YES, YOU'D BETTER GET A SUPERVISOR BECAUSE I'M NOT TALKING TO YOU!
Getting a supervisor turned out to be a problem. When J is working, he responds to us as quickly as he can, but he is overloaded with his own team and our team. He was not working that day so I had to go to the "General Chat" to request assistance. Some supervisors were promoted, and they are not being replaced. We had a problem in the past with not enough supervisor support, and we're returning to that unfortunate situation.
It took quite a while to find a sup, and then the first two times I tried to call him, the call didn't go through. On the third try, he could hear me, but I couldn't hear him. I tried to connect him to Mr. Angry, but I think my complainer had already hung up. I provided the sup with the number he had called from. I don't know what happened from there.
This crap is getting old.
My teammates keep asking, What is wrong with our clients? Why are they treating us like this?
I think I know what's wrong with them, but I can't say it at work. It's the incoming president they elected who has given them permission to treat people like shit. We're not in physical danger, but it's discouraging and unnerving. Who wants to go to work only to be called names in exchange for trying to help people?
After our supervisor, B, died, we were told we wouldn't get a new sup. Then we were told we'd get a new sup after the first of the year. Knowing this company, that could mean next December. And who knows what kind of a person they'll find? There will never be another sup as good as Bryan (my original sup). We might get another B, who shouted and threatened. We might get a T, who worked with us for a little bit after B's death, and threatened and lied to me. I will be 66 years old next month. It's a while before I reach full retirement age, and I don't want to change jobs. I just want a decent supervisor and clients who know shouting and cursing isn't allowed.
In spite of these problems, I'm feeling a bit better––as long as I don't think too much! 🤣
My accomplishments: I scrubbed the master bathroom and scrubbed me. I organized some papers and threw out some stuff I no longer needed. I've put away a few more Christmas decorations.
When I cleaned the master bathroom, I used some little plastic containers to help organize my lotions, potions, eye of newt, and toe of frog. Rita, I think you'll like this. If you don't know my beloved friend, Rita, you should drop by SoulComfort's Corner to say hello. I'm not sure how long Rita and I have been friends, but I rely on her. I pour out my heart to her in letters and emails. Rita is wise. She gives me such good advice. We have a lot in common, including a love of organizing.
All of those little bottles and tubes and soaps are in the containers that can go in the dishwasher for a good cleaning.
Rita and I tend to like a lot of the same TV shows and movies, too. I also remember one day when we realized we had seen the same interview with Lady Gaga and we both liked her. I still like Lady Gaga.
Well, this has been another long post and I still haven't written my farewell to 2024 post. So much to see and do this year. Maybe I'll never say goodbye to last year and just continue to pretend that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are still in office.
*sigh* But facts won't allow me to pretend.
Infinities of love,
Janie Junebug