It's meeeeeee priiiiiinceeeesssss meeeeeeeeee priiiiinceeessssss
kiss fritz all over play with him took him outside 3 times with penny i poop in yard fritz smells my poop funny stinky stinky stinky fritz sniffs my butt tickles
ate some turkey clean mommy plate after she ate bitsaturkeysmashedtatoesgreenbeansyumyumyum delicious
snuggled fritz
i am princess i roar when i bark i am big i patrol house and yard and garage sniff sniff sniff with my nose look for mr rat will kill him if he comes back
i know where auntie maureen lives right across road with cars must look for cars if auntie maureen needs me she must say help princess and i will run run run to help her and will roar because i am princeeeesssss princess do not go out door alone must wear leash hurry mommy if auntie maureen needs me
run in yard with penny fastfastfast it's chilly no more hot feel good chilly run fasterest when chilly zoom zoom zoom penny arthuritis don't hurt no limp zoom zoom zoom
run in and out in and out in and out fun fun fun feel good sooooo goooood
gottagogottagogottago got lots to do will patrol kitchen maybe findapieceaturkeyyumyumyum
LATERGATER me princeessssssss kiss you