Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,
Remember when Blogger told us that following blogs by email would end over the summer? It hasn't happened. Is it a way of lulling us into complacency and then suddenly slapping us with the loss?
Do some of you who comment here have blogs that I'm not following? I look at profiles when they're available and don't always see a blog listed. If you follow/visit me, then I'd like to check out your blog.
I continue to see that my comments don't always show up on your blogs, including when you don't have comment moderation enabled and I can see the comment before I depart. I swear I'm visiting you! Where do the comments go?
Do you have (American) Thanksgiving plans? I told Sweet Cheeks I will prepare a feast if he will join me. He accepted my invitation immediately, and I have already purchased most of the fixins.
A police officer knocked on my door last week. My son had to request that an officer accompany him so he could get more of his belongings from my garage. Everything went well. He is obeying the restraining order and has not disturbed my peace.
I received a summons for jury duty a while back. The first time I was to be there, I got in an accident on the interstate and had to call to explain why I hadn't arrived. The lovely lady who answered the phone for jury services told me it was okay and she would reschedule my service. The second time I was to be there, I dropped the hedge clippers on my foot the day before and had difficulty walking. The lovely lady rescheduled me for yesterday. On Friday I received a text and email telling me the court session was canceled and I did not need to appear. Hallelujah!
Franklin's thyroid levels were checked again last week. The vet said they're spot on. With cooler temps, we're enjoying some long walks. Franklin no longer turns around to head for home after a short distance. Walking feels good, and it's good for us.
If you decorate for Christmas, when do you set out your decorations? I usually decorate the day after Thanksgiving. I love the flashing of those pretty, little lights.
I hope you're having a great week.
Infinities of love,
Janie Junebug