I've been looking forward to seeing The Social Network
But the big honors went to The King's Speech
I listened to Director David Fincher's commentary on the movie. He seems to see this character, and he emphasizes that it is a character and not a portrayal of the real person, of Mark Zuckerberg as a young genius worthy of our sympathy; however, that's not the feeling I got from the movie at all. The character of Mark Zuckerberg, as played by Jesse Eisenberg, is virtually friendless, anti-social, dark, mean, nasty -- all in all, a real tool. Business cards that say I'm CEO, Bitch? Come on.
This unpleasant character informs most of the movie and makes Network as unlikeable as Zuckerberg. The movie only becomes interesting and enjoyable when Justin Timberlake is on screen, playing Napster founder Sean Parker, who comes off as the most charming guy in any room he enters.
Fincher sees humor with Zuckerberg where I see none; Fincher sees kindness on Zuckerberg's part where I see none.
Before the guy gets drunk enough to start creating The Facebook, he wants to compare the girls at Harvard to farm animals and let people vote on which is hotter -- the girl or the animal. What a jerk.
The entire movie is misogynistic. Girls exist to dance at rich boys' parties and take off their tops and do drugs and get drunk; girls exist to latch onto Zuckerberg and Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) and shove them into stalls in a men's public restroom for what? Do they have sex standing up in that tiny space or is it BJ time? Don't know; don't care. There's also a psycho bitch girlfriend. There's a female lawyer who is seen throughout the movie but only speaks twice. Fincher says she's there to be an invisible person. There are young girls provided for Sean Parker's enjoyment. There's an intern who walks away from Zuckerberg and somebody else -- is it Parker? I can't remember -- and they turn to stare at her ass. Network women -- no, not women, girls -- are objects with which to play a sex game. Nothing more.
I thought I would love this movie, and I totally do not. Jesse Eisenberg was so great as the tender-hearted, unhappy teenager in The Squid and The Whale
I have a Facebook page. I post something on it occasionally but not very often. I joined because it's a way to keep up at least a little bit with nieces and nephews. I don't really understand people who are on Facebook ten times per day talking about every little thing they're doing and how they're feeling. I don't think many people care, folks, and it's not the road to the 15 minutes of fame that Andy Warhol promised you.
I hate the relationship status; I don't know what it means to "poke" someone but it sure seems naughty in a not at all interesting way; and I don't understand the stuff about so and so has answered a question about so and so. Then you click on the box and . . . blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Facebook is really pretty lame, and so is The Social Network
Infinities of love,
I agree that I am glad it did not win best picture award. However for me it was a "hmm that was interesting" sort of movie not a "wow that changed my life" sort. I was interested to see how it was that Facebook came about and the controversies around it on who invented it. The main character is said to be very similar to the real guy. In real life he is quirky and socially awkward. My husband has a lot of those same characteristics. I read somewhere that this is very common in intelectually gifted people.