I believe I am starting to emerge from my mourning. I know what day of the week it is, Tuesday, (teehee, just kidding, I know it's Thursday) and I took a shower last night. I stink much less.
So let's give a proper welcome to Legal Mist by providing her with a link. I have already learned from her blog what the giant cucarachas are that I have seen on my deck, and I like seeing the law from a lawyer's point of view. She's also quite entertaining.
We seem to have some things in common. Although I didn't say so in My Complete Profile, I too like Arlo Guthrie and listened to Alice's Restaurant
I once wrote a post assigning lawyers and PC Repair people to hell. However, Legal Mist is officially not included in that group. In fact, when she became a follower of WOMEN: WE SHALL OVERCOME, I think she was my guardian angel. Reading her comments on my posts got me through a long and sleepless night following the death of my beloved.
Legal Mist came to us via WorkForced, which I continue to promote because it's hilarious and because Don Joe pays me for sex.
Oops! I wasn't supposed to tell that part. Sorry, Don Joe.
With love and regret,
Aaawww, thanks for the shout out. :) And for not including me in the group of a-hats assigned to hell. You're too kind.