Tuesday, October 8, 2024


 Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,

Here we are, waiting for Hurricane Milton to arrive, although we have a second big pile of debris from Hurricane Helene at the curb still waiting for a big truck to come to whisk it away. Wouldn't you know we'd get the yard cleaned up only to have another storm move in? 

My messy yard stuff is nothing compared to the suffering so many other people have experienced because of Helene.

We expect a lot more rain this time, along with the wind. *big sigh* The Little Pump That Could is back in the yard (I had just put it away in the garage), and we have plenty of hurricane appropriate snacks and drinks.

This morning I'm going to head to the pharmacy for my flu shot and the latest COVID vaccine.

I had my yearly physical last week. My blood pressure was low, low, low. 

A few weeks ago I had a medical colonoscopy/endoscopy, as opposed to a screening colonoscopy. The doctor said afterward that I don't have cancer and I do have acid reflux, so I have yet another pill added to the handful I take each morning. I need to go in to see his assistant to find out what else is wrong with me, other than I'm full of shit.  

I'll do my best to report on Milton. We still miss Franklin, the Weather Watch Dog. When Franklin went out and came back with wet fur, it was raining. When Franklin panted, it was hot. When Franklin decamped for my bedroom closet, it was thundering.

I hope you'll stick around for the Another Junebug Production video below, starring Fritz The Wonder Dog.

Infinities of love,

Janie Junebug