Monday, November 13, 2023


 Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,

Some of you have already read about The Great Cancer Scare from Franklin's POV, but I'd like to add to Franklin's story. 

First, I have to tell you how I feel about Franklin. I love Penelope and Princess, but Franklin is my boy. We've been together such a long time (since 2010), and he was my walking companion until he started to stumble and struggle on our strolls. My all-time favorite dog was Faulkner, The Original Dog, but Franklin is a very close second to Faulkner.

I'm not the only one who loves Franklin. He was admired all over the neighborhood. People often called out to us to say how pretty he is and how they liked his fluffy fur. He's an exceptionally amiable dog. But when we had a front door with glass panels in the top, I took delight in the way he appeared in those windows to roar at strangers. More than one Jehovah's Witness backed away in fear. 

Rebekah's husband, Eddie, is something of a dog and cat whisperer. When Eddie and Franklin met, it took about 30 seconds for them to become fast friends. I wasn't surprised when Eddie settled down on the floor with Franklin to talk to him and brush him. That's when he found the red thing that resembled a pimple. The next day it was so much bigger that I made an appointment for Franklin at the vet's office even though our beloved Dr. G. wasn't there.

The vet we saw used to be our regular vet. We had switched to Dr. G. because of a scheduling mix-up at one point and continued to ask for him. The other vet said Franklin had cancer and he wasn't going to stick a needle in it to find out if it was malignant because it was so inflamed. He gave me an antibiotic for Franklin and some drops to put on the red thing. Then he opened the door and gestured for us to leave. And that was it. No further instructions. No here's when you should come back or this is what you should do next. I was in shock and didn't make a fuss.

So we went home and I cried while I worked and cried while I didn't work. I couldn't wait for Dr. G to get back. I have to tell you, also, that Maureen stayed with Princess and Penelope while Franklin and I were at the vet's office because Princess had been with us only a few days. The first time I left the house to go to Costco, Maureen said Princess cried. But when I took Frank to the vet, it was Penelope who cried and was inconsolable. 

Of course, Dr. G. removed the cancer, it was benign, and Franklin has been fine. He's been far more lively since that ugly red thing was removed, so something must have been brewing in his body for a while. I have to tell you about what happened after Dr. G. took Franklin's stitches out.

Dr. G. was done and it was time for us to leave. The vet tech opened the door to escort us to the front desk (the bills for the surgery were pretty substantial but we managed it). Dr. G. was on the other side of the room entering his notes in the computer. I stood up to leave. Usually Franklin goes straight out the door because he can't wait to leave. He hates vet visits.

But this one time, instead of leaving, he went to Dr. G. to stand next to him. Dr. G. stopped what he was doing to pet Franklin, who was looking up at him with Franklin-style love and devotion. I think he's saying thank you, I told Dr. G.

Dr. G. said, I think so, too.

We left a beaming Dr. G. when Franklin was finished showing his appreciation. 

I check Franklin's skin frequently for any new bumps or lumps, especially his back leg where the cancer was. When I took Franklin to see Dr. G. in October for his annual wellness exam, I told him every day with Franklin is a bonus. I don't know how much longer he'll be with us, but I love and appreciate every minute with him. to be continued with more about Princess

Infinities of love,

Janie Junebug 


  1. So good that the lump was benign and Franklin is still with you. Long may he be so!

  2. So glad you found a good vet who loves the animals more than the coins.
    My Tuxedo is your Franklin.

    1. Yes, Franklin is to me what Tuxedo was to you.

  3. I'm so glad you and Franklin (he is SO handsome!) have recovered from the cancer scare! Sending BIG HUGS to both of you. ♥ Yes, those vet bills certainly cause a strain on one's finances, but our dogs are worth every penny. You are a wonderful dog mom, Janie! ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I always say the dogs are worth every penny.

  4. I remember this well. So glad Franklin is okay!! :)

  5. Franklin's and your treatment at the vet when the cancer was diagnosed was totally deplorable. I am so angry for both of you.

  6. How we love our dogs and how they love us back. It's so sad when they get old.

  7. What lovely news, Janie. I'm so pleased to hear it.

  8. Oh no.. I'm so sorry to hear about Franklin. I hope everything works out. Hugs to you and your furbabes

  9. Oh no.. I'm so sorry to hear about Franklin. I hope everything works out. Hugs to you and your furbabes

  10. Hooray for Dr. G. Franklin deserves a comfortable old age.

    1. I think he is comfortable. Sometimes he struggles to stand up or he stumbles on the steps to the deck, but he makes it.

  11. Buster's had some of those lumps and bumps also and they have all been on cancerous. And I know I'm living on borrowed time with Buster so don't fear about Franklin Buster's going to be 17 this November! What a heartwarming story.

    1. If Buster can make it to 17, that gives me hope for Franklin.

  12. Thank goodness it was benign! It amazes me how different vets can be when it comes to giving information or consoling a pet owner. Some of them are emotionless and all about business. It's terrible.

    1. The other guy used to be nice. I don't know why he was so awful the day he told us about the cancer.

  13. So happy Franklin is better, he's such a good boy and now we can enjoy him so much longer.

  14. Franklin is indeed a beautiful dog. You are both lucky to have each other.

    1. I love him so. He's always been a devoted companion.

  15. Well, I'm glad the lump was benign. We had a similar situation with Olga a year or two ago when she had some mysterious swelling and a vet was so certain she had cancer --- and we said, "Well, we'll just take care of her for the time she has left." And instead the swelling went down and now she's fine! She is quite "lumpy" but apparently these are common in old bulldog breeds and not necessarily malignancies. (There are too many for us to biopsy!)

    Franklin knows he has a good home. :)

    1. Franklin has a lot of lipomas that are nothing to worry about. I know Olga has a good home, too.

  16. Replies
    1. It made me so happy when Franklin thanked his doctor.

  17. I'm so glad to hear Franklin is all right. Dogs are the best creatures.

    1. They are wonderful. Dogs are only bad if we make them that way.

  18. I am so glad Franklin got to see the right Vet and is still with us. Auntie Maureen loves all the pups.

  19. The sad fact about our pets is that they leave before us, that is-- if they're lucky.
    I'm glad you added your perspective to the story. Some vets (re: Doctor G) deserve recognition.

    1. I only worry Dr. G. will retire when we still need him.

  20. Sweet Franklin! I'm so happy he's ok. May he have many more good years with his loving family.

  21. Hope you and the crew have a great one.

  22. Dogs ask so little and give so much. Franklin, you're a good boy.

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am so happy your furry friend is healthy and that he has your love.


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