It has turned chilly here in the hinterlands. A Nordic frost has descended on us Norwegian Lutherans. The grumpy-assed German Lutherans are frosty all year round.
Well, what better way to spend a Saturday evening without spending much money or needing a babysitter than to pop a DVD in? I know I certainly can't afford to go to a movie theater. Besides, it's too far away and Netflix and Amazon bring movies to me right here at home. I open the door and there they are in the mail box. I love the modern world and all its amenities. I mean, really, if you're anywhere near my age, which is fhrmhrmone, it never occurred to us when we were children that someday people would have VCRs. We didn't even have color TV. Getting a color TV seemed like a miracle.
Enough nostalgia: On to the movies.
Today I present hilarity or tragedy -- whatever you're in the mood for.
This movie comes with the highest Lola Comedy Seal of Approval: Get Him To The Greek
Sergio Roma: I've got six fuckin' kids! Do you know how many Air Jordans six black kids wear?
Now we move to something a bit more weepy: Things We Lost In The Fire
I may have mentioned this once or twice or a dozen times before, but the Beautiful Benicio went to the same high school as Favorite Young Woman - not at the same time. He's much older than she is. But when I was a reporter I called the school and asked them to arrange a telephone interview with Benicio because Traffic
Coincidence? I think not.
I gave him The Lola Bump over the telephone. Tee hee.
If you can get Greek I'd watch it tonight.
Aaron Green: [as Sergio is chasing after them in a hotel lobby] This is the longest hallway of all time!
Aldous Snow: It's Kubrickian!
But watch Fire soon. It's worth it.
Set your clocks back one hour! Extra hour of sleep tonight! Whoo hoo!
Infinities of Love,
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