Please allow me to begin by defining my terms: If I suggest something, then I think it's OK and at least mildly enjoyable and/or amusing. If I recommend something, then I think it's well worth your time.
Keeping those terms in mind, I suggest you consider seeing Did You Hear About the Morgans?
However, do not waste your time on the director's commentary. He who shall not be named (because I can't remember his name - it might be Mark Jacobs), Sarah Jessica Parker, and Hugh Grant all comment on the movie. Although the three of them seem to get on well, they don't have all that much to say about making the movie. The DVD's special features do include some short pieces I like, especially one about the grizzly bear in the movie. The gag reel? Well, I didn't think it was such a gag. The non-stop giggling when they're trying to shoot one of the scenes simply becomes boring.
I recommend seeing The Time Traveler's Wife
I highly recommend reading the novel The Time Traveler's Wife
I wish you happy viewing and reading, Gentle Readers.
Dumped First Wife
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