Friday, May 17, 2024



Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,

Last week I had a dream that Paul McCartney was my boyfriend. 

It wasn't Paul as he is now, though I'd take him as he is now.

It wasn't Paul when he was a Beatle, though he was adorable then. They all were.

It wasn't Paul when he was this incredibly gorgeous with a baby inside his jacket. This Paul was young and in love with Linda and taking care of their children. I would never be involved with a version of Paul who would cheat on Linda.

It was this middling Paul, after Linda had passed. This Paul was an ardent and devoted boyfriend.

In fact, he wanted to kiss me all the time. Big, wet sloppy kisses. 

After the dream drifted away and the day began, I realized this was my Paul, who must have been kissing me as I slept.

Sweet dreams, everyone. I wish you nothing but sweet dreams and slobbery kisses.

Infinities of love,

Janie Junebug


  1. I'd pass on the slobbery kisses--lol! I never did like sloppy kisses.
    Paul was always the cutest. I was always a John fan, though. Maybe just went for cheeky, bad boys?
    Haven't heard this for sooo long. Ear worm--lol! :)

    1. I don't really like sloppy kisses either. In the dream I wondered why Paul was such a messy kisser. There's something appealing about bad boys.

  2. Oooh, I hope you didn’t kiss him back! I must admit I never thought Ringo was cute.

    1. No, I didn't kiss back. It's true that Ringo wasn't cute, but I chose him as my favorite because my older sisters had chosen the others and only Ringo was left. I still appreciate Ringo. "Peace and Love!"

    2. Oh, I thought Ringo was cute. He was adorable in "Hard Day's Night," parading with his camera:

  3. Hahahahaha! Didn't you notice that Paul had doggy breath?

    1. I did not and believe me, Princess does not have appealing breath even though she gets special treats with doggy toothpaste on them.

  4. (From Auntie Maureen) Princess does give slobbery kisses! So glad to see you back and feeling better. I would take that Paul over the others too.

    1. Every version of Paul is lovely (and he has lots of money), but Paul at that stage in his life was a keeper. Too bad he didn't know it was me he wanted.

  5. I'd take John or George, any day.

  6. Good to see you back. Mm, lots of nice Pauls there but Princess is the best.

    1. Paul will not show up in my house, but Princess is always here for me.

  7. Ha! I wonder what Paul McCartney would say if he knew your dream self had mistaken Princess's kisses for his?

    1. He's always had a good sense of humor so I think he'd say something funny.

  8. Guilt...written all over her face.

    I hope you have been well! I did a post the week before last and thought of you. I think I have a new figure for your collection. Wondering of the diorama you'd come up with.

    1. I'll have to go back to look for that post.

  9. Hi Janie - oh I'm so glad I don't have dreams like those!! Dog cuddles are fine - as long as I know that there are four paws attached ... cheers Hilary

  10. I've been a Beatles fan since childhood, and Paul wasn't my dreamboat then. I did hear many times he is a good person, so you picked well. I gravitated to John, who turned out to be more complicated. You have better taste.

  11. LOL! Paul was always my favorite Beatle, although I loved them all. I remember how aghast grownups were at their long hair and disreputable looks. They now look so clean cut and normal! Take care!

    1. I don't remember my parents saying anything about the way they looked. They bought Meet The Beatles for us and Mother smiled when we screamed at their appearance on the Ed Sullivan show. My parents usually weren't that relaxed.

  12. Haha! Paul and his wet kisses!!!

  13. Hmmm. At one time many many years ago I wanted to be Paul. Like him, I play lefty. That's quite the dream!


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