Friday, September 1, 2023


 Hello. It is I, Penelope.

Is anyone watching us? It's always so difficult to find a place where I can have a private conversation with you.

Let's go inside. I think I know the perfect spot for a chat.

The bedroom closet is my perfect hiding spot when I need to escape from noisy thunder. We can also use it for privacy. 

Mom Mom's old slippers are kind of stinky so hold your nose.

I don't want Mom Mom to know about this yet because it's none of her business, but I am starting to like that German girl.

Something happened that changed my mind. You know the village idiot my beloved big brother Franklin and I despise the Roombas. Mom Mom knows we hate them and we have told Mom Mom how dangerous they are to dogs and she needs to let food crumbs and other items of interest accumulate in the house instead, yet she persists in their use. She even has one now that makes floors wet, but she won't let us lick the floor. That woman will be selfish and nasty to the bitter end.

I wanted to come inside one day, but a Roomba monster was running near the backdoor. Mom Mom said Get in here, Penelope. We can't keep the door open in this heat! She was vicious, absolutely cruel and vicious. The P-word, whose name is really Princess, watched this monstrous atrocity take place and understanding I simply could not walk through the door, she came out, stood next to me, and without a word escorted me in past the paw-stealing Roomba. 

Princess is very tall and strong. She used her might to save my life. Never before has someone done such a thing for me. I was so relieved. 

Now we are learning to be friends. We play chase a little bit. She doesn't speak German the way I thought she did. She barks in American but doesn't know a lot of words yet. I asked her if she wanted my starring role as the polka-dotted elephant in the remake of the Rudolph movie. She didn't understand what I was talking about, so she's not after my job! Marty Scorsese still hasn't called, but when he does, he'll still be calling for me!

Princess seems to like to be close to me. When I lie down to rest on the big doggy bed, sometimes she lies down on the little doggy bed to be close to me. It's nice when she does that.

I thought you'd want to know my feelings have changed. Please don't tell Mom Mom. She'll go on and on about it. Besides, she's already noticed us playing together. She'll figure out the situation eventually––maybe next year because she's so slow witted. Hahahahahahahahaha! I am still the funniest doggy around and I will laugh all day about calling Mom Mom slow-witted. Hahahahahahahaha! Ha!        HaHa!

That is all. Goodbye.

I can come out of the closet now.


  1. I promise not to tell Mom Mom how much you like Princess now. It will be our secret. I think she will figure it out soon. Auntie Maureen love you Penelope. You will always be my favorite girl

    1. Oh, Auntie Maureen! Don't ever love another dog more than you love me because I am the best little bulldoggy ever.

  2. She's keeping the friendship on the down low, for now.

    1. I have to keep everything as secret as possible in this house because Mom Mom is so nosy.

  3. How great that you and the Princess are becoming friends, Penelope! German girls are pretty smart, you know. 😉

    1. I think you are a German girl, too. I have heard your voice on the computer and I liked it so you are smart.

  4. Janie: lol ("That woman will be selfish and nasty to the bitter end") lol again :D

    Penelope: I'm so glad Princess helped you and that you two are becoming friends. It's GOOD to have friends. I see you are maintaining the hierarchy, though, by taking the big comfy bed :)

    1. It's a difficult job, but I have to remain in charge or Mom Mom falls apart.

  5. P. S. Janie, how did you manage during the hurricane? Hope all is well and that the lake isn't too big.

    1. Hello. It is I, the nasty woman. We had hardly any rain at all. I had to water my flowers afterwards. It was very windy so I have branches and leaves to clean up. A couple of large tree limbs fell on the front of the house after the storm had passed. Penelope's Auntie Maureen asked her yard guy to remove them. They caused no real damage.

    2. That's good - always a relief to get through a storm without damage.

  6. Sometimes it takes time to find out what someone is really like. I'm glad you like Princess more now. :) :)

    1. As long as she takes the little doggy bed, I think we will continue to get along.

  7. I'm so glad Princess is protecting you. You make a beautiful pair. Stay out of the closet.

    1. Sometimes Mom Mom says something about being out of the closet and then she laughs her witch's cackle. I don't understand.

  8. Of course we won't tell. And are honoured that you told us. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome. You won't believe what I have to go through to have any privacy in this house.

  9. You've come to this conclusion after much deep thought and passage of time. I am proud of your reasoning, Penelope.

    1. I am definitely a deep thinking little bulldoggy. Thank you for recognizing my brilliance.

  10. Penelope! I'm so glad you are starting to get along with "the P-word"! Life is almost always better when you come out of the closet.

    1. I guess I have to let Mom Mom know how I feel about Princess.

  11. Awe! I'm glad you're learning to like the German girl. She'll grow on ya I promise.

  12. Hi Penelope ... I'm glad things are improving - and also that the Hurricane didn't interrupt you to much - take care - Hilary


Got your panties in a bunch? Dig 'em out, get comfortable, and let's chat.