Thursday, March 6, 2025


Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,

Not long ago, Mrs. Roomba parked herself under the china cabinet and shut down. When I hauled her out and turned her back on, she had forgotten who she was. She spoke Spanish. I powered her down again to reset her and turned her on. She spoke what I think was Swedish. Now every time I shut her down and set her going, she speaks a different language––everything except English.

After our prolonged cold spell during January, we had record highs, reaching 86° on Feb. 13. Then it cooled off again for a while and we had some lovely fires in the fireplace during chilly evenings. 

Now we're going back and forth between a couple of days with highs in the 70s and then we drop back down to chilly, breezy days with highs in the 60s. Princess and I have had some lovely walks together. 

I reached the ripe old age of 66 recently. I have no plans to retire. I need the money too badly, and the benefits. My paychecks are very small, but I put quite a bit in my 401k and my HSA. I also pay extra taxes so I no longer need to pay quarterly taxes on my alimony, which makes my life easier.

President Musk Melon and his supremely unattractive wife, Dawn, continue to make me crazy. All I can say to our friends in Canada is 

I'm sorry.

You know I didn't vote for him.

The two of them speed recklessly from one lie to the next. One day it's $50 million spent on condoms for Gaza and before you know it Social Security is sending checks to millions and millions of people who are 150 years old. They are hellbent on destroying our relationship with our beloved friends in Canada; sending federal workers back into the workplace even if the workplace doesn't have offices, desks, and lights; firing federal workers; and destroying the economy that President Biden and Vice President Harris worked so hard to improve.

My burning desire is to know what happened to all the pets stolen and eaten in Ohio. I haven't heard JD JD Married Lady say one word about them since the election. Are they still being eaten? Whose cocker spaniel is roasting in an oven? How did an issue of such importance during the election lose its momentousness? 

I continue to avoid watching the news because I can't stand the sight and sound of 

but I did watch the video of the orange one and JD berating President Zelensky and felt ashamed that people representing our government could behave so badly. 

I continue to stand with Ukraine. 

I'm sorry I've been gone such a long time. I've missed you and want to catch up on your blogs. 

Infinities of love,

Janie Junebug


  1. It's so good to see you posting again! I've missed you.

    Your Mrs. Roomba made me laugh this morning, so thank you for that. I'll take any laugh I can get these days, when the news is so grim and disheartening.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. Sometimes I can't manage blogging and I hate it because I miss all of you so much.

  2. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning. "President Musk Melon and his wife Dawn" is perfect. And I have wondered about all of those pets. Are they still being eaten? I did watch some of the State of the Union address and I found myself yelling at the TV. Just watching the sanctimonious faces of Shady-Vance and Mike Johnson behind the felon made me want to gag!

    1. "Sanctimonious" is the perfect word choice. I'm surprised the room didn't explode because it was so full of bullshit and pomposity.

  3. I'm worried about your multilingual roomba. Hasn't it heard about the Presidential Order that English alone is the USA's official language? Roomba better smarten up or ICE will be at your door.

    1. If ICE shows up, then I'll hide Mrs. Roomba under the bed. She loves to turn herself off there where I can't reach her.

  4. "JD JD Married Lady"
    That made my morning; I'll be singing it all day.
    Yes, that publicity stunt at the White House last week was disgusting. I don't listen to him, either, because it's all lies and what's the point. I await, anxiously for Democrats to get their cats together; other than many women in the party, the rest are silent and that also irks.
    Good news: your fireplace looks nice and cozy.
    But if any of my household appliances start speaking in a foreign tongue, I'm running for the hills!

    1. The Democrats can't seem to get organized in a meaningful way. Mrs. Roomba shocked me at first when she changed languages, but now I'm enjoying it.

  5. That is so bizarre! A multilingual Roomba!! So funny...but you do need to be able to talk to them to set them up, don't you?
    Our current government is all so distressing and unbelievable! I can't watch or hear OrangeMan for any length of time. Elon, either. Or Vance, for that! But I do want to know the basics 2-3 times a week. They're going after SS now, too. I don't want to be taken by surprise.

    1. I haven't talked to any of my cleaning robots to set them up. I charge them and hit the start button. Some of the newer robots can be programmed to run at particular times, but I don't do that. I think messing with Social Security and Medicare will cause them serious trouble, but somehow they will get away with it. Do they even obey court orders that are supposed to stop changes they've made?

  6. Miss Rumba is her own person, ey? So are you, Janie. Cheers!

    1. I guess my appliances and I are very much alike. lol

  7. That man has a fine backside. He likes to brag about big, but has failed to mention the rear view.

    1. He wears those big, boxy suits to try to cover up the overage, but the wind has a way of revealing the truth.

  8. We Canadians know that the majority of Americans did not vote for Trump and sure as heck didn't vote for Musk either. Don't worry, we know that. Big hug, Janie. I hope this nightmare is over soon and Musk and "his supremely unattractive wife, Dawn" (thanks for that one!) are brought up short. I'm worried they won't be, but I live in hope.

    1. You can always live in hope, my darling little donkey. The majority of Americans did vote for the orange butt face, though. He won the electoral college AND the popular vote. He didn't win by a landslide, but he won. You're right, though. We did not vote for the musk melon.

    2. I read that "more people voted for someone other than Trump than voted for Trump" - but I don't know exactly what you call that statistic!
      Thanks for clarifying the other two statistics for me. The American system is so different from Canada's :)

  9. Is Mrs. Roomba an illegal immigrant?

    1. Most likely, but I've already committed to saving her from ICE. I paid her way and she's staying with me.

  10. Very relieved to know you're okay. I was really worried.

    1. I'm terribly sorry, Lorraine. You can email me at and I'll give you the email address I check every day or you can even have my phone # so you can text me if you like.

    2. Don't be sorry. I'm just glad you're okay!

  11. he is so obnoxious. And Vance and Musk. Yuck yuck yuck.

    1. Yuck, yuck, yuck, and ick, ick, ick. They are leeches and worms.

  12. I watch The Daily Show and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. It is all that keeps me sane!

    1. Those are good shows to watch to keep you from losing your mind. The only news show I watch now is CBS Sunday Morning with Jane Pauley. It's kinder, gentler news. I can't take seeing his face or listening to his voice except in very small doses when absolutely necessary.

  13. Miss and love you girlfriend.
    It's crazy when we have to apologize for the frumpy grumpy felon who'se the color of a melon. Oy. Sigh. Hugs.

    1. He's an embarrassment. I dread his visit to England with King Charles. What stupid stuff will he say there? Will he wear the teeny-tiny tuxedo again? Will he grab the king and kiss him? Will he hump Princess Kate's leg?

  14. Welcome Back, you have been missed, thanks for stopping by for a visit while you were catching up. So, you have a multi-lingual Rumba teaching you all the World's Languages. Might need that if we have to relocate to another Nation when we're all deported as being undesirables of this Regime. I hate that the Ketamine King has a Wife with my Name... I suppose with all the Baby Mamas he has to produce his little Human Meat Shields, the odds of one having our Name gets higher with each Breeder he adds to his Harem? *Eye Roll* There is no limits to the embarrassments and shame America will endure now...

    1. Little Human Meat Shields -- lol. I'm definitely an undesirable. I wonder where I'll be sent. Siberia?


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