Monday, March 10, 2025


 Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,

My beloved friend, Rita, of SoulComfort's Corner called my attention to this video. I think you'll find it as hilarious as we did. 

I'm preparing this post on Sunday evening. We had thunderstorms last night and this morning, with rain on and off during the afternoon. So far Lake Junebug has not seen any accumulation of water to kill our little bit of grass, which reminds me––I have a bag of grass seed in the trunk of the car. Penelope calls grass seed "dog treats." *sigh* I have to watch that little girl carefully with the seed. 

Thursday I had my first teeth cleaning of the year. I love having my teeth cleaned so I pay the few extra dollars on my dental insurance that allows me four cleanings a year. Afterward, Carol took me out for a belated birthday lunch. As always, we had a wonderful time chatting and looking at photos on each other's phones. I had photos to share from a new friend in North Carolina.

Of course, Carol and I also thoroughly trashed President Musk Melon and his exceedingly stupid wife, Dawn (my apologies to Dawn of Bohemian Valhalla; they share a name and nothing else), and the Social Security lie. We know if Social Security payments aren't somehow canceled at the time of a person's death, they automatically end at age 115. Overpayments have been made to some recipients, but they were living people who had to return the money. Millions and millions of dead people are not receiving checks from Social Security. I know I've brought up this issue before. I'm stuck on it because I know people who believe it's true, and we have to fight the lies. 

Infinities of love,

Janie Junebug


  1. Morons, idiots, assholes. Some days I just can’t stomach a minute of this bullshit. The Dutch video would be hilarious if it weren’t based on reality.

    1. I know how you feel, but I feel a duty to continue to call attention to the lies. I still think the Dutch video is funny, though.

  2. Thanks for highlighting these things, especially about social security. I'm really worried about it collapsing. All the people who assured me before the election that, "Oh that will never happen," can go pound sand. As a lunch lady, I can tell you that the wellness programs instituted at schools during the Obama administration were not appreciated at all and that's putting it kindly. Suddenly they're all for it. smh.

    1. "Oh, that will never happen" is total bullshit. Isn't it amazing how a plan associated with one person is bad but when it's associated with a different person somehow it's great?

  3. The fact that The Felon is a traitor pisses me off, but the fact that he says the most stupid ass shiz while sitting in the Oval REALLY pisses me off.
    And don't get me started on Leon Skum ....
    Happy Belated Birthday!

    1. Thanks! The traitor can't help saying stupid shit because he is a stupid shit. It goes from his brain to his mouth with no filter in between.

  4. Oh, that video is TOO funny! Appallingly funny!

    1. Don't you love the people who did that? The world is watching.

  5. I'm glad you included the first video because, well, both T and M on the same page? Oh that reminds me of a picture I saw on Facebook. I shall blog it.

  6. Oh my gosh Janie. That video is perfection. And sadly based on the stupid shit things going on with President Musk and his wife Dawn, along with their servant Shad-Y Vance.

  7. Ship of state is a ship of fools and worse.

  8. When I saw "presidential fitness test" I was hoping for a meme on how Trump needs to pass one to remain King. No such luck! But the video and the other memes more than made up for it. This is like a bad dream that we can't wake up from. It's good to be able to distract ourselves now and then.

    1. I remember taking the presidential fitness test in school. I never passed it. Most kids didn't. It wasn't easy. I'm sure the orange felon wouldn't pass it. I wonder if it's even given now. I'm sure he would brag that he did better on it than anyone ever had before. His score was the best that had ever been seen blah blah blah.

  9. Yes, the world is watching. They get it clearly and objectively...unlike too many of us here who have orange-blindness. ;)

    1. Orange blindness -- I like that. It's quite a disease, isn't it?


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