Hi! It's me me me me me Franklin the Bordernese. I love you every buddy! I'm an old man now but I'm still me me me Franklin the Bordernese and I ain't got no fleas!!!!
I've told you before but I figured I'd better tell you again that you can't take Ole Penlapee too serious. That new girl is named Princess. Her breed is called German Shepherd, but she barks in American.
Princess got here the same way Penlapee did. Mom saw a pitcher of her online and it said Princess had a hard life and needed to be adopted. So Mom and Grandma drove to another town and came back with Princess. She was scared when she got here, but she's fine now. She's been learning her good doggy manners.
Princess is a lot younger than we are so she has lots of energy. She likes to run and play, and she's been getting Penlapee to play with her. It's good for Ole Penlapee because she has arthuritis. Princess helps Penlapee get more exercise.
Penlapee is just jealous that Princess has gotten extra attention but Mom Mom would never make Penlapee go away. We love her too much. Penelapee gets crazy stuff in her head because she's a drama queen.
I kinda had some drama for me a few months ago when I didn't feel so good. Auntie Rebekah came to see me and she brought her hubsand, my Uncle Eddie. I just love Uncle Eddie. He's nice. I know he loves me, too.
He brushed my fur and while he brushed he noticed I had a red pimple on one of my back legs. He showed it to Mom so she kept an eye on it and the next day the bump was lots bigger and redder. So we went to the vet, but it wasn't my vet, Dr. G. He was out of the office for a little bit so we had to see another vet.
The other vet said I had cancer and for Mom to give me some pills but I was too old to have surgery. I didn't know what all that meant but Mom cried while she worked.
The whole time she worked and cried though she thought and planned so she checked on Dr. G. to find out when would he be back. Princess needed to meet him to get her first shots.
Mom got the first appoinment for Princess that she could. Dr. G. said, Ms. Goltz, you got yourself a fine shepherd there. And she said, I think so, too, but I need to talk to you about Franklin.
She was worried he would say what the other vet said––that I just had to have cancer––but no, Dr. G. said, Bring him in first thing tomorrow morning. Might be ah kin remove it. (He talks that way because he's from Georgia.)
The very next day Mom took me to Dr. G. I was scared but happy to be there because I had not been feeling one bit good. A few hours later, Dr. G. called Mom to say, Franklin came through the surgery just fine. He's enjoying his drugs now and you kin pick him up at 3:45.
I had a bandage on my leg to cover up snitches. It all took a while to heal but now I'm all better and Mom doesn't cry.
I'm still an old man almost 15 years old but I wag my tail and I love my mom and my sisters and I'm doing just fine thank you very much.
Okay Okay Okay That's all! Okay I love you Bye Bye!
And don't worry about Ole Penlapee!