Monday, January 13, 2025


 Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,

It's still chilly in Florida, and today it's dreary and raining.

Eternal Father, Strong To Save was one of the hymns sung at Jimmy Carter's funeral. I'm sure it was chosen in honor of former President Carter's service in the Navy and his education at the Naval Academy because it's considered the Navy hymn.

Lately, it's been Princess who cries out because she thinks she's in peril. When our relationship was new, she allowed me to clip her nails when she was lying on my her bed. She also had a manicure at the vet's office without a fuss. But in the past year she's become less cooperative. 

Her nails were pretty long so a couple of days ago, I approached with the clippers. I managed to clip one nail on a front paw and then she rebelled and cried out. We battled and she yelped as I trimmed a couple more nails. I finally gave up when she fought so hard I feared she might injure herself.

Sunday evening it was time to try again. Since force hadn't worked, I tried negotiating. In my left hand I held cookie pieces on a plate, and in my right hand I held up the nail clippers. Princess, I told her, you get some cookie for each paw we complete. 

She gave me the paw we had almost finished. I only needed to trim one nail. Then she had her cookie reward. I asked for another paw. Negotiations broke down. Princess went on strike; I fumed.

I decided to clip Penelope's nails as a means of exerting pressure on Princess. Penelope remained motionless during clipping. I praised her extravagantly and provided generous cookie rewards. 

Princess acquiesced to reopening negotiations. She wanted larger cookie perks. I wanted greater paw access. I was willing to provide more cookies, but she didn't want to provide the paws. 

I had to try a different approach. I got out her leash and led her to the living room couch, where I set the plate of cookies and a box of dog treats. She hopped up on the couch to go after the cookies, while I went after a paw. She balked. I removed the cookies. 

We tried again, and finally, she gave in. With cookies and some treats from the box, we finished nail clipping in record time and I told her what a wonderful, beautiful Princess she is. From first to final nail clipped, it had only taken about 48 hours. 

My teammates and I have also been experiencing some peril at work. No one is grabbing our paws, but more and more often, our clients shout and curse at us over the phone. One of my teammates spoke to someone during December who called her a c*nt and last week another was called a bitch. Recently I had to tell a man that he'd received a warning message because he hadn't signed a document required for his account. He went ballistic. 


I was shocked. I hadn't spoken to him differently from the way I talk to other people. I told him I was sorry he didn't like the way I spoke and I didn't intend to treat him as if he's a child, but the document needed to be signed.

He remained furious. I couldn't say anything without him accusing me of speaking to him in the wrong way, so I told him I would reach out to a supervisor for him. He said, YES, YOU'D BETTER GET A SUPERVISOR BECAUSE I'M NOT TALKING TO YOU!

Getting a supervisor turned out to be a problem. When J is working, he responds to us as quickly as he can, but he is overloaded with his own team and our team. He was not working that day so I had to go to the "General Chat" to request assistance. Some supervisors were promoted, and they are not being replaced. We had a problem in the past with not enough supervisor support, and we're returning to that unfortunate situation. 

It took quite a while to find a sup, and then the first two times I tried to call him, the call didn't go through. On the third try, he could hear me, but I couldn't hear him. I tried to connect him to Mr. Angry, but I think my complainer had already hung up. I provided the sup with the number he had called from. I don't know what happened from there.

This crap is getting old. 

My teammates keep asking, What is wrong with our clients? Why are they treating us like this?

I think I know what's wrong with them, but I can't say it at work. It's the incoming president they elected who has given them permission to treat people like shit. We're not in physical danger, but it's discouraging and unnerving. Who wants to go to work only to be called names in exchange for trying to help people?

After our supervisor, B, died, we were told we wouldn't get a new sup. Then we were told we'd get a new sup after the first of the year. Knowing this company, that could mean next December. And who knows what kind of a person they'll find? There will never be another sup as good as Bryan (my original sup). We might get another B, who shouted and threatened. We might get a T, who worked with us for a little bit after B's death, and threatened and lied to me. I will be 66 years old next month. It's a while before I reach full retirement age, and I don't want to change jobs. I just want a decent supervisor and clients who know shouting and cursing isn't allowed.

In spite of these problems, I'm feeling a bit better––as long as I don't think too much! 🤣

My accomplishments: I scrubbed the master bathroom and scrubbed me. I organized some papers and threw out some stuff I no longer needed. I've put away a few more Christmas decorations.

When I cleaned the master bathroom, I used some little plastic containers to help organize my lotions, potions, eye of newt, and toe of frog. Rita, I think you'll like this. If you don't know my beloved friend, Rita, you should drop by SoulComfort's Corner to say hello. I'm not sure how long Rita and I have been friends, but I rely on her. I pour out my heart to her in letters and emails. Rita is wise. She gives me such good advice. We have a lot in common, including a love of organizing. 

All of those little bottles and tubes and soaps are in the containers that can go in the dishwasher for a good cleaning. 

Rita and I tend to like a lot of the same TV shows and movies, too. I also remember one day when we realized we had seen the same interview with Lady Gaga and we both liked her. I still like Lady Gaga. 

Well, this has been another long post and I still haven't written my farewell to 2024 post. So much to see and do this year. Maybe I'll never say goodbye to last year and just continue to pretend that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are still in office. 

*sigh* But facts won't allow me to pretend.

Infinities of love,

Janie Junebug


  1. I do see and hear people being more rude to one another lately. We were at Lowes the other day and there are signs everywhere saying the store will not tolerate berating or name-calling employees.
    I'd say it's something in the water but I think it's something going into the White House.
    Stay strong!

    1. At least Lowe's is trying to fight this shit. A man shouted and cursed at me yesterday and I said, NO. Do not use profanity with me or I will not help you. He cursed again and hung up. I wrote a note about his behavior.

  2. Sigh indeed. Trump's success is encouraging right wingers on this side of the pond too. I watch in horror. And fear.
    Well done on finally getting Princess's nails trimmed.

  3. OMG!!!!! After all that nail clipping, that would have required two gin and tonics when I was complete. Thankfully Buster and Sophia are both good laid clients.

    1. I was exhausted and had to sit down to rest for a while when we finished. Penelope used to run and hide when I got out the clippers. She's accepted nail clipping, though, and is such a good girl about it now.

  4. I'm glad the cookie negotiations finally worked with Princess! Hopefully, she'll be more cooperative next time. ☺ Sounds like you have some horribly rude clients! I used to deal with clients in my corporate job and found that by being over-the-top polite, they usually felt bad and changed their tone. Of course, those were different times. The world is much colder and crueler nowadays.

    1. Your approach is mine as well. I'm extremely polite. Most clients tell me how much they appreciate how pleasant and efficient I am. These days people are more likely to go nuts over any perceived insult or problem, even if nothing has actually gone wrong.

  5. It sounds like you made great progress with Penelope. We had a yellow-naped Amazon parrot and when we tried to file her claws, she would whine (seriously whine like a human) and snatch the emery board and throw it across the room. I LOVE clean and organized. I could spend days in an organizer store. Work sounds awful.

    1. The parrot sounds hilarious. I love it when Jennifer tells stories about Marco. My house is never as clean and organized as I want it to be, but that's fine because it gives me new projects to work on. I'm so happy with my bathroom right now, though, that I don't even want to use it for fear of messing it up!

  6. Replies
    1. At times it's horrible, but I also have days when everything goes smoothly, the clients are appreciative, I don't need support from a supervisor, and everyone is happy. I love those days. Plus, I've had worse jobs than this one.

  7. One of the hardest jobs is dealing with the public. The rude people stand out over the polite and calm ones. I agree that some people feel they now have permission to be as crude as they feel.

    1. Sometimes people have a reason to be upset. I don't have a problem with apologizing to them and doing everything I can to make things right. But the people who will call a woman a bitch or a c*nt are going way too far.

  8. Janie, I hate trimming a dog's nails, so I always have the vet do it. I just cannot. Kudos to you for getting Princess on board, though it took 48 hours. In my last years of teaching, I noticed how the rudeness and lack of respect increased from both the parents and the students. I attribute much of that to the felon that will soon occupy the White House again. His meanness and bullying have given others carte blanche to do the same. I hate that man and I dread the next four years. One of my "friends" from Facebook posted a prayer to Jesus to get us through the next week until Trump is back where he belongs. To my dying days I will never in a million years understand the allure of all things MAGA.

    1. Princess wouldn't allow the vet tech to take care of her nails at her last appointment. I can't understand maga either, Michael. I don't understand thriving on hatred and being dissatisfied even when they get what they want. He already had four years to "make America great again." If he didn't make American great again the first time, they what do his followers think he's going to do the second time around? Will more people leave their families to wait in Dallas for the resurrection of President Kennedy and his son? How many more people will join mobs with the goal of attacking anyone who disagrees with them? I leave my house as little as possible.

  9. I am sorry you are dealing with crabby customer/clients.
    I applaud your success with Princess. Some fur babies never warm to the thoughts of having a mani pedi

    1. I have fur on my head and I am open to a mani pedi if someone will pay for it.

  10. I don't understand why TFG's supporters are still so angry...they've gotten what they wanted. I guess FOX news has programmed them so that rage is their default setting now. Although I hate for all of us to suffer, the sooner they have to face consequences from their vote, the better.

    Poppy HATES having her nails trimmed. We have the vet do it whenever she's there. And George won't tolerate it, either, but walking a lot on our paved road seems to keep his nails short.

    1. Walking on roads helps with Princess's nails, but we don't get out much at certain times of the year. I watched a documentary about the effect Fox news and other angry shows and radio programs have on their followers. I'll try to find it again and provide some information about it. It was very interesting. When I was still married, I banned Fox news from our house because it would get my husband so riled up and believing in things that weren't true. I couldn't control what he did at work, which meant he listened to Rush Limbaugh and other horrible people all day.

  11. First, I think at some point nail trimming cause Princess pain, and she hasn't forgotten or at least her body hasn't. Animals rarely just choose to respond differently just because. At least that my working theory and I'm sticking to it...
    As to people's tantruming at your work, I have no theories. You never know what is happening in someone's life at any given moment, and I mean--in addition to their dealing with you. Hugs to you and Princess both.

    1. Hugs back to you, dear Mirka. I think Princess probably realized, like most dogs, that she doesn't like to have her paws touched. Now she's completely settled in as a member of the family and feels comfortable with rebelling. If I continue to offer incentives, I think we'll come to a regular nail clipping arrangement.

  12. It's a shame some clients fell it's OK to be exceedingly rude. Possibly they have delt with too many language challenged phone answerers who had no idea how to solve a problem.

    1. That might be the case when they call other places, and they take it out on everyone. I seldom call customer service. I solve problems online as much as possible, but I have had to call some places recently and just about went nuts speaking to people whose English was not American English. They didn't understand what I was talking about and they weren't able to help me. When someone contacts our company, we are all in the U.S. and we are required to pass a demanding exam to be able to have our jobs. Many of us have college degrees and have studied our field extensively.

  13. Hi Janie! I am so glad we connected somehow in this vast webosphere--lol! I can't remember how many years ago now, either. :)

    Hopefully you will "cookie-train" Princess for her nail trims. Sounds like it will probably work well in the end.

    I totally agree that this unleashing of darkness from people has a definite leader who has granted permission for removing limitations like common courtesy and expected kindness. Normalcy be damned. I worked with the public for many years of my life. We had our share of angry customers, but I cannot imagine those words coming out of their mouths...even when I could see them roaring in their heads--lol! Heaven help us!

    Yes! I love the organization! As you knew I would. *hugs from Fargo*

    1. As of the end of December, I've been blogging for 15 years. I'm sure we've been friends for at least 10 years and probably 12 or 13 years. I don't know how we found each other but it was meant to be. We are kindred spirits.

  14. You shouldn't have to put up with all that abuse. I know people can be going through tough times but they shouldn't take it out on those trying to help. I never liked trimming my dog's nails, my son-in-law did it.

    1. I don't have a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, or an in-law of any sort to trim doggy nails so I'll keep negotiating with Princess and we'll get the job done.

  15. Clipping nails on our 4 legged friends is always a challenge, isn't it?
    Unfortunately, rudeness does seem to be the new normal. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Life is too short.

    1. A man started cursing at me earlier this week. I said, If you want me to help you, then don't curse. He said he wasn't cursing at me. HA! Then he kept cursing. I told him I would disconnect the call if he continued and he hung up on me.

  16. I do think what is unsaid at work IS the problem. The implied permission to be open about lack of civility, of conscience, of humanity, of compassion, has become a Thing to the MAGA World folks and I see it every time I meet one. They project what anger and hatred they feel on the inside and it just comes out on full display at the least provocation, or no provocation at all. Perhaps most of them have longed for the excuse to spew it, and before their orange jesus substitute for actual Godliness mirrored how they are and what they are, they kept it in check, now they just don't feel the need or that they have to anymore.

    1. Exactly--they no longer feel the need to control their behavior, their bigotry, their violence. They let it all hang out now and the rest of us pay the price. If it continues to escalate, I'm going to suggest we add a message to our phone line stating profanity and abusive behavior is not allowed.

  17. I love your interaction with Princess. She lives up to her name.
    As for your clients, well, it must take enormous restraint to stay polite. Well done you!

    1. Oh, she is such a princess. I am polite, but I draw a line with clients. I will tell them if they use profanity I will not continue to help them.

  18. Well done, getting Princess's nails clipped. I outsourced that task to a dog groomer with Echo, my Sheltie. For his encounters with the Big Bad Brush I sat him on a chair with the treats cup in sight and chanted my mantra: "A good dog being brushed gets treats." And rewarded him with a treat every few strokes.

    1. I love that mantra! I'm sure Echo loves it, too. I'll continue to work with Princess on making the nail trimming an enjoyable experience.

  19. People are jerks. And it does seem to be getting worse. Trump seems as good a person to blame as anyone.

    1. I think it's reasonable to blame him for the incivility he encourages.

  20. Trump revels in being rude and boorish, and his behavior has made it acceptable to be like that for many people who otherwise used to keep it under wraps. You shouldn't have to listen to that as part of your work day. I think your idea to suggest a recording at the beginning of incoming calls that abusive behavior and profanity will not be tolerated is an excellent one. Are the calls recorded? I often get a message when making calls that the call may be recorded "for training purposes" or "quality control". It wouldn't be hard to add another line to that message.

    Well done on getting Princess' nails done, no matter how long it took. Slow and easy will work magic over time.

    1. The calls are recorded, with an occasional exception, and a message states the call may be recorded. I need to figure out how to propose that a brief message be added to the message. My current supervisor is rather shy and retiring and probably wouldn't be open to suggesting something to management. I'll have to find a way to work around that without hurting his feelings or making him look bad.


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