Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,
Not too long ago on a Sunday evening after the dogs had dined and it was dark, Princess insisted she needed to go outside. So of course I opened the back door and out she ran. She stayed longer than usual and when she came inside, she was excited. She twirled in circles and danced across the kitchen.
Eventually, she settled down, but it wasn't long before she wanted to go out again, and when she came in, she was still excited. It was cold and I didn't go out with her. She made two or three more trips to the great outdoors before she decided it was okay to stay in for the evening.
When it was time for everyone to go out before bed (last call for whizzing all), Princess, Franklin, and Penelope trooped outside, but I noticed Penelope wandering around without bothering to pee. I stepped out on the deck to remind her it was potty time and as I walked across the deck, I realized something furry and flattened was on it.
There it was: a dead rat. That was why Princess had been so excited. Once she realized I had seen it, she ran to Mr. Rat to tell me about the thrill of the kill.
Leave it! I shouted. I didn't want to deal with it. When Penelope killed a rat in the yard a couple of years ago, something dragged away the corpse overnight. Would we be that lucky this time?
Morning arrived and I peeked outside. The monster was still there. So I put on my big girl panties, marched out to the garage to get the pooper scooper, scooped the rat, and made it disappear. I'm not saying where it went.
Princess was disappointed. She wanted me to sautee it in a little olive oil with oregano, garlic poweder, and onion powder, and cover it in parmesan when it was done. She assured me the tail was a delicacy.
I think my age shows in my feet. After the soreness in my left foot finally went away, within a couple of days, my right foot started to hurt. At some point, both feet will hurt at the same time and the dogs will have to take care of me. Princess will probably serve me her recipe for Cheesy Italian Rat. I hope Penelope prepares a salad to go with it.
Infinities of love,
Janie Junebug
P.S. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't take any photos of the rat.