Gentle Readers . . . and Maxwell,
Our Monday was sunny, but a cool breeze blew.
Franklin and I started the day with a visit to Lowe's, where Franklin is always admired for his beauty and good manners. At the cash register he stood so still while we waited our turn that the lady behind us asked, How do you get him to do that?
He just does it.
We were there to purchase two items. The first was a thermostat. Mine has been behaving strangely. I replaced the batteries in it and it still didn't register the correct temperature in the house. When I turn on the heat, it runs and runs and runs because the thermostat insists that the house is colder than it is. I rely on space heaters for the most part, but it's a good idea to have an accurate thermostat.
So we got home with the thermostat. I opened the box and glanced at the instructions. The first item on the agenda wasn't in the instructions but I knew it must be done. The cover had to be separated from the base.
I couldn't get them apart. I argued with it and swore at it. No luck. So we went to the garage and pulled out a screwdriver, which popped them apart. The thermostat respected the screwdriver but didn't respect me.
Then I studied the instructions. Oh, dear god. Wires and millions of things to do. I thought putting up a new thermostat would be simple and instead the task seemed daunting.
The new thermostat is on the dining room table. I'll attack the job when I'm alert and well rested and haven't just had an argument with the device.
The second item we purchased was a plug for the bathtub. The metal plug that was in the tub and closed with the turning of the little handle thingy didn't fit very well. I took baths a few times after I moved here and slowly lost my water.
After a while I replaced it with one of those shroom things. It's not a plug. It captures hair to keep the drain from clogging.
But recently I read a post by Anne at The Gods Are Bored about how she loaded up with water before a hurricane. It made me think about Texas and so many people not having water. Before big storms, I fill every pitcher and Tupperware bowl with water. I've never needed it, but what if I did? I should start filling the bathtub, too.
So now we have a plug.
What else happened? Oh! When we pulled into the parking lot at Lowe's, two very large Canadian geese (at least that's what I think they were) were chilling at one end of the lot. I wanted to take their picture so our resident Bird Man, David, who blogs at Travels With Birds could tell me if they really were Canadian geese and fill me in on their lives, what they like to eat and how they behave and all that.
But when I got close enough for a photo, I pissed them off. They arose and stomped off, honking all the way. I didn't take a picture at that point because it would have been of their butts.
The rest of the day was pleasant. Franklin and I walked. Penelope and I talked. We enjoyed the sun. I read some. I cleaned some. Did a little laundry.
It was a good day in spite of the new thermostat's disrespect and argumentative nature. Maybe it will be better behaved after this time out on the dining room table, where it is nothing special.
Infinities of love,
Janie Junebug